Recurring Payment APIs—Configure subscriptions

North America—United States and Canada

The Ecommerce Recurring Payment APIs include two APIs—Plan and Subscription. The Subscriptions API for ecommerce lets you create subscriptions for plans that merchants can use on their Clover Merchant dashboard. Each subscription associates a customer to a plan to identify:

  • Who is billed for the subscription?
  • Whether credit card on file (COF) is present?
  • What is the amount of the scheduled payment?
  • What are the dates to take a scheduled payment?

Using this information, the subscription generates an invoice for each payment.

A configured subscription is deactivated if the customer's invoice payment fails after five attempts. Invoice payments can fail if the customer's information or card data is invalid or missing, for example, if there is no card-on-file during payment.

Work with the Subscriptions API

You can use subscriptions API to:

Create a subscription

Define subscriptions for the set of plans to initiate automatic payments. See Create subscription under a plan API for more information on creating a subscription.


  • Customer's universally unique identifier (UUID)
  • Customer's card-on-file details


  1. Send a POST request to the recurring/v1/plans/{planId}/subscriptions endpoint, including the planId parameter.
  2. Set the Authorization header as your OAuth-generated access_token.
  3. Note the subscriptionId from the response to edit or delete the subscription.

Required header parameters

AuthorizationBearer tokenRequired
X-Clover-Merchant-IdClover merchant identifier (mId)Required

Required path parameters

planIdUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of a plan.Required

Request body parameters

FieldDescriptionRequired / Optional
startDateStart date of the subscription plan in ISO-8601 format.
For example, September 7, 2023, displays as 20230907 or with delimiters as 2023-09-07. Time displays in hours, minutes, and seconds, as 12:07:22.
collectionMethodMethod for collecting payment.
Currently, CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY is the only method allowed.
endDateEnd date of the subscription plan in ISO-8601 format.Optional
softDescriptorInformation about the business that processed the charge.
See Set soft descriptors.
noteSubscription note. If available, it overrides the plan's note test.Optional
tipAmountTip amount. If available, it overrides the plan's amount.Optional
amountAmount of the subscription. If available, it overrides the plan's amount.Optional
activeIndicates whether the subscription is currently active.

- True
- False
taxRateUuidsUniversally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of the tax rate. If available, it overrides the plan's subscription.
Length: Maximum length of combined UUIDs is more than 255 characters.
customerIdCustomer identifier (ID).Required

Request and response sample

curl --request POST \ 
  --url '{planId}/subscriptions' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
  --header 'X-Clover-Merchant-Id: {mId}'
  --header 'content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "customerId" : "{customerId}",
    "collectionMethod" : "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "startDate": "2021-12-24T12:08:56.235-0700",
    "endDate": "2022-12-24T12:08:56.235-0700",
    "softDescriptor": { "dbaName": "ccc" },
    "taxRateUuids": [ "1ABC2DE3F4GHI", "2ABC4DE6F8JKL" ],
    "tipAmount": 7
  "id": "{subscriptionId}",
  "customerUuid": "{customerId}",
  "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
  "active": true,
  "tipAmount": 7,
  "amount": 200,
  "total": 200,
  "note": "This is a note",
  "softDescriptor": {
    "dbaName": "ccc"
  "taxRateUuids": [
  "startDate": "2021-12-24@19:08:56.235+0000",
  "endDate": "2022-12-24@19:08:56.235+0000",
  "createdTime": "2021-12-03@22:04:15.896+0000",
  "modifiedTime": "2021-12-03@22:04:15.900+0000",
  "plan": {
    "name": "Recurring_plan 2",
    "amount": 200,
    "active": false,
    "interval": "MONTH",
    "intervalCount": 1,
    "note": "This is a note",
    "createdTime": "2021-10-16@17:39:08.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2021-10-18@23:06:58.000+0000",
    "id": "{planId}",
   "merchantId": "A1B2C3D4EFG56",
  "developerAppId": "A1BCD2EFG34HI", 
    "object": "plan"
  "object": "subscription"

Retrieve a subscription

You can view only the subscriptions that you created. See the Get subscription API for more information.


  • Customer's universally unique identifier (UUID)
  • Customer's card-on-file details


  1. Send a GET request to the recurring/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} endpoint.
  2. Set the Authorization header as your OAuth-generated access_token.

Required header parameters

AuthorizationBearer tokenRequired
X-Clover-Merchant-IdClover merchant identifier (mId)Required

Required path parameters

subscriptionIdUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of a subscription in a plan.Required

Sample request and response

curl --request GET \
  --url '{subscriptionId}' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
  --header 'X-Clover-Merchant-Id: {mId}' \
  --header 'content-Type: application/json' \
  "id": "{subscriptionId}",
  "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
  "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
  "active": false,
  "amount": 200,
  "total": 200,
  "note": "This is a note",
  "additionalCharges": [],
  "startDate": "2021-10-21@21:08:04.000+0000",
  "createdTime": "2021-10-21@21:08:04.000+0000",
  "modifiedTime": "2021-10-21@21:08:04.000+0000",
  "plan": {
    "name": "Recurring_plan 2",
    "amount": 200,
    "active": false,
    "interval": "MONTH",
    "intervalCount": 1,
    "note": "This is a note",
    "createdTime": "2021-10-16@17:39:08.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2021-10-18@23:06:58.000+0000",
    "id": "{planId}",
    "merchantId": "{mId}",
    "developerAppId": "{deAppId}",
    "object": "plan"
  "object": "subscription"

Retrieve all subscriptions

You can view the list of all subscriptions for a merchant. See the Get all subscriptions API for more information.


  1. Send a GET request to the recurring/v1/subscriptions endpoint, including the subscriptionId path parameter.
  2. Set the Authorization header as your OAuth-generated access_token.

Required header parameters

AuthorizationBearer tokenRequired
X-Clover-Merchant-IdClover merchant identifier (mId)Required

Sample request and response

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'X-Clover-Merchant-Id: {mId}'\
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
    "id": "{subscriptionId}",
    "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
    "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "active": true,
    "amount": 212,
    "additionalCharges": [],
    "startDate": "2023-12-16T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "lastRunDate": "2023-12-16T00:00:04.000+0000",
    "createdTime": "2023-12-15T11:22:26.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2023-12-16T00:11:03.000+0000",
    "plan": {
      "name": "tete",
      "amount": 212,
      "active": true,
      "interval": "WEEK",
      "intervalCount": 2,
      "createdTime": "2023-12-15T11:20:17.000+0000",
      "modifiedTime": "2023-12-15T11:20:17.000+0000",
      "id": "KA5KQNVR9B8JT",
      "merchantId": "{mId}"
      "developerAppId": "{deAppId}",
      "object": "plan"
    "object": "subscription"
    "id": "{subscriptionId}",
    "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
    "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "active": true,
    "amount": 21,
    "additionalCharges": [],
    "startDate": "2023-11-21T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "lastRunDate": "2023-11-21T01:00:28.000+0000",
    "createdTime": "2023-11-20T09:42:09.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2023-11-21T01:04:13.000+0000",
    "plan": {
      "name": "plann",
      "amount": 21,
      "active": true,
      "interval": "YEAR",
      "intervalCount": 2,
      "createdTime": "2023-11-20T09:18:23.000+0000",
      "modifiedTime": "2023-11-20T09:18:23.000+0000",
      "id": "KGAK0626DY5YT",
      "merchantId": "{mId}",
      "developerAppId": "{deAppId}",
      "object": "plan"
    "object": "subscription"
    "id": "{subscriptionId}",
    "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
    "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "active": true,
    "amount": 21,
    "additionalCharges": [],
    "startDate": "2023-11-21T09:18:23.000+0000",
    "endDate": "2024-11-20T09:18:23.000+0000",
    "lastRunDate": "2023-11-21T01:00:28.000+0000",
    "createdTime": "2023-11-20T09:22:05.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2023-11-21T01:02:53.000+0000",
    "plan": {
      "name": "plann",
      "amount": 21,
      "active": true,
      "interval": "YEAR",
      "intervalCount": 2,
      "createdTime": "2023-11-20T09:18:23.000+0000",
      "modifiedTime": "2023-11-20T09:18:23.000+0000",
      "id": "{subscriptionId}",
      "merchantId": "{mId}",
      "developerAppId": "{deAppId}",
      "object": "plan"
    "object": "subscription"
    "id": "{subscriptionId}",
    "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
    "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "active": true,
    "amount": 214,
    "additionalCharges": [],
    "startDate": "2023-11-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "lastRunDate": "2023-12-12T01:00:02.000+0000",
    "createdTime": "2023-11-14T08:49:43.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2023-12-12T01:00:11.000+0000",
    "plan": {
      "name": "plan07",
      "amount": 214,
      "active": true,
      "interval": "MONTH",
      "intervalCount": 1,
      "createdTime": "2023-11-01T05:06:16.000+0000",
      "modifiedTime": "2023-11-01T05:06:16.000+0000",
      "id": "52YGETCNV8VPG",
      "merchantId": "{mId}",
      "developerAppId": "{deAppId}",
      "object": "plan"
    "object": "subscription"
    "id": "{subscriptionId}",
    "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
    "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "active": true,
    "amount": 214,
    "additionalCharges": [],
    "startDate": "2023-11-02T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "lastRunDate": "2023-11-29T00:01:10.000+0000",
    "createdTime": "2023-11-01T05:07:42.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2023-11-29T00:09:29.000+0000",
    "plan": {
      "name": "plan07",
      "amount": 214,
      "active": true,
      "interval": "MONTH",
      "intervalCount": 1,
      "createdTime": "2023-11-01T05:06:16.000+0000",
      "modifiedTime": "2023-11-01T05:06:16.000+0000",
      "id": "52YGETCNV8VPG",
      "merchantId": "{mId}",
      "developerAppId": "{deAppId}",
      "object": "plan"
    "object": "subscription"

Edit a subscription

You can edit the subscriptions that you created. See the Edit a subscription API for more information. Subscription changes only impact invoices that are created after the subscription changes are made.



If the customer payment method changes, you must revoke the existing card-on-file (COF) and add a new one. See ​​Save a card for future transactions.


  • Customer's universally unique identifier (UUID)
  • Customer's card-on-file details


  1. Send a PUT request to the recurring/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} endpoint, including the subscriptionId path parameter.
  2. Set the Authorization header as your OAuth-generated access_token.

Required header parameters

AuthorizationBearer tokenRequired
X-Clover-Merchant-IdClover merchant identifier (mId)Required

Required path parameters

subscriptionIdUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of a subscription in a plan.Required

Editable fields

Note: Only a future subscription's start date is editable.

Sample request and response

curl --request PUT \
  --url '{subscriptionId}' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
  --header 'content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "note" : "This is a revised note"
  "id": "{subscriptionId}",
  "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
  "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
  "active": true,
  "amount": 100,
  "total": 100,
  "note": "This is a revised note",
  "additionalCharges": [],
  "startDate": "2021-10-15@22:40:24.000+0000",
  "lastRunDate": "2021-11-13@00:00:03.000+0000",
  "createdTime": "2021-10-15@22:40:24.000+0000",
  "modifiedTime": "2021-12-06@14:42:59.291+0000",
  "plan": {
    "name": "API Plan 001",
    "amount": 100,
    "active": true,
    "interval": "MONTH",
    "intervalCount": 1,
    "note": "This is a note",
    "createdTime": "2021-10-15@22:31:56.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2021-10-15@22:31:56.000+0000",
    "id": "{planId}",
  "merchantId": "A1B2C3D4EFG56",
  "developerAppId": "A1BCD2EFG34HI",
    "object": "plan"
  "object": "subscription"

Cancel a subscription

You can only cancel subscriptions that you created. See Delete subscription for more information on deleting a subscription.


  • Customer's universally unique identifier (UUID)
  • Customer's card-on-file details


  1. Send a PUT request to the recurring/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} endpoint, including the subscriptionId path parameter.
  2. Set the Authorization header as your OAuth-generated access_token.
  3. Set the "Active": field to false.

Required header parameters

AuthorizationBearer tokenRequired
X-Clover-Merchant-IdClover merchant identifier (mId)Required

Required path parameters

subscriptionIdUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of a subscription in a plan.Required

Sample request and response

curl --request PUT \
  --url '{subscriptionId}' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
  --header 'content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "active" : "false" 
  "id": "{subscriptionId}",
  "customerUuid": "{customerUuid}",
  "collectionMethod": "CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY",
    "active": false,
  "amount": 100,
  "total": 100,
  "note": "This is a note",
  "additionalCharges": [],
  "startDate": "2021-10-18@19:27:16.000+0000",
  "lastRunDate": "2021-11-16@00:00:01.000+0000",
  "createdTime": "2021-10-18@19:27:16.000+0000",
  "modifiedTime": "2021-12-06@14:54:00.973+0000",
  "plan": {
    "name": "API Plan 001",
    "amount": 100,
    "active": true,
    "interval": "MONTH",
    "intervalCount": 1,
    "note": "This is a note",
    "createdTime": "2021-10-15@22:31:56.000+0000",
    "modifiedTime": "2021-10-15@22:31:56.000+0000",
    "id": "{planId}",
 "merchantId": "A1B2C3D4EFG56",
  "developerAppId": "A1BCD2EFG34HI",
    "object": "plan"
  "object": "subscription"