Select a receipt

United States

Use the SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder class to build an Intent to start an activity for receipt selection.

Use this Intent to:

  • Initiate payment, credit, and refund receipts.
  • Configure hide or show options.
  • Indicate if a default Clover receipt can be sent.


Select a payment receipt

Build a payment receipt selection request.

val paymentId = "<Id of an online Payment>"
val builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Payment(paymentId)
val intent =
String paymentId = "<Id of an online Payment>";
SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Payment(paymentId);
Intent intent =;

Select a refund receipt

Build a refund receipt selection request.

val refundId = "<Id of an online Refund>"
val builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Refund(refundId)
val intent =
String refundId = "<Id of an online Refund>";
SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Refund(refundId);
Intent intent =;

Select a credit receipt

Build a credit receipt selection request.

val creditId = "<Id of an online Credit>"
val builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Credit(creditId)
val intent =
String creditId = "<Id of an online Credit>";
SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Credit(creditId);
Intent intent =;


Use the ReceiptOptions class to customize the receipt selection screen, such as turn on or turn off SMS/Email/No Receipt/Print options.

smsReceiptOptions(smsReceiptOption : SmsReceiptOption)Use to turn on or off the SMS receipt option and pass a phone number.
emailReceiptOptions(emailReceiptOption : EmailReceiptOption)Use to turn on or off the email receipt option and pass an email address.
printReceiptOptions(printReceiptOption : PrintReceiptOption)Use to turn on or off the print receipt option.
noReceiptReceiptOptions(noReceiptReceiptOption : NoReceiptOption)Use to turn on or off the no Receipt receipt option.

Example—Pass a phone number to the SMS receipt option

val paymentId = "<Id of an online Payment>"
val smsReceiptOption = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.SmsReceiptOption.Enable("5551231234")
val noReceiptOption = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.NoReceiptOption.Enable()
val printReceiptOption = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.PrintReceiptOption.Enable()
val emailReceiptOption = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.EmailReceiptOption.Enable(null)
val builder = SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Payment(paymentId)
val intent =

Additional field

Additional field to set on the SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder class.

cloverShouldHandleReceipts : BooleanValues:

- True: Clover handles the delivery of the selected receipt option.
- False: Clover does not deliver the selected receipt option; it is retrievable in the response.

Response details

When the receipt selection flow completes, the response is available through onActivityResult().

Check the SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response class for the response fields.

For a successful request:

  • Retrieve the payment object using the Intent: SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT
  • Retrieve the status of the receipt delivery, such as Requested or Processed, using the Intent: SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS
  • Retrieve the status of the receipt selection type, such as Email, SMS, Print, or No_Receipt, using the Intent:SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE
  • Retrieve the email or SMS value, such as or 5555551234, using the Intent: SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE

Response example

fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == SELECT_RECEIPT_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                val payment: Payment = data.getParcelableExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT)
                val receiptDeliveryStatus = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS)
                val receiptDeliveryType = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE)
                val enteredReceiptValue = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE)
            } else {
                // select receipt failed, check for error
                val failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE)
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (requestCode == SELECT_RECEIPT_REQUEST_CODE) {
      if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        Payment payment = data.getParcelableExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT);
        String receiptDeliveryStatus = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS);
        String receiptDeliveryType = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE);
        String enteredReceiptValue = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE);
      } else {
       // select receipt failed, check for error
        String failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(SelectReceiptRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE);