Ecommerce API—Accept payments flow

North America—United States and Canada

With the Clover Ecommerce API and SDKs, you can build seamless Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant payment experiences for merchants with hosted iframe and API integrations. All payments and transactions with the Clover Ecommerce API are PCI compliant and require tokenized card information.

The standard flow for accepting payments with Ecommerce API consists of two steps:

Ecommerce API standard flow to accept payments

Ecommerce API standard flow to accept payments


To tokenize a customer card, you need to encrypt a customer card as a source token using the Ecommerce API: Create a card token endpoint. To use the endpoint, you need an Ecommerce API token or apiAccessKey from the Public Access Key Management Service (PAKMS). The Ecommerce API key, also known as the PAKMS key, identifies the merchant who is tokenizing the customers' cards. You can use the same static Ecommerce API key to tokenize multiple cards for that merchant.

Step 1: Generate an Ecommerce API key

  1. Get an authorization code or auth_token that displays as code in the link (URL) of your test app connected with a test merchant in the sandbox. See Generate an OAuth API token or access_token.

    Test app install information

    Test app install: URL displays the client_id and authorization code or auth_token

  2. Send a GET request using Postman to the following URL using:

  • App ID as the client_id,
  • App Secret from the App Settings page as the client_secret, and
  • Authorization code or auth_token as the code{appId}&client_secret={APP_SECRET}&code={AUTHORIZATION_CODE

In response, the Clover server displays an API access_token.

    "access_token": "ce7exxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx4b24"

Note: All Ecommerce API endpoints require an OAuth-generated access_token with specific permissions.

  1. Send a GET request to the endpoint.

  2. Use the OAuth API token or access_token as the Bearer token in your request.

    In response, the Clover server returns an apiAccessKey, which is the Ecommerce API key or PAKMS key. You can use theapiAccessKey as the apikey header when you tokenize a card.

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
  "active": true,
  "apiAccessKey": "af4exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd145",
  "createdTime": 1722230745532,
  "developerAppUuid": "RKxxxxxxxxx9C",
  "merchantUuid": "6Xxxxxxxxxx91",
  "modifiedTime": 1722230745532

In Step 2: Tokenize a card, use the apiAccessKey as the apikey header.

To learn more about authorization code and the Ecommerce API key, see our blog post Fiddling Through Digital Keys: Clover Auth Tokens and Ecommerce Keys.

Step 2: Tokenize a card

  1. Send a POST request to the /v1/tokens endpoint. See Create a card token.
  2. In the apikey header, enter the apiAccessKey generated in Step 1: Generate an Ecommerce API key
Create a card token: Header apikey

Create a card token: Header apikey

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'apikey: {apikey}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"card":{"number":"6011361000006668","exp_month":"12",

In response, the Clover server returns a source token. All source tokens are alphanumeric and begin with clv_.

  "id": "clv_1TSTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFQif",
  "object": "token",
  "card": {
    "exp_month": "12",
    "exp_year": "2030",
    "first6": "601136",
    "last4": "6668",
    "brand": "DISCOVER"

To learn more about encrypting and tokenizing card data, see Generate a card token.

Step 3: Pay for a charge or order

After you tokenize a card, use the source token to pay for a charge or an order. For information on required request parameters, see Create a charge tutorial.

  1. Send a POST request to the /v1/charges endpoint to pay for an $18.00 charge.
  2. In the authorization: Bearer header, enter the access_token generated in Step 1: Generate an Ecommerce API key.
  3. In the source parameter, enter the token generated in Step 2: Tokenize a customer card. All source tokens are alphanumeric and begin with clv_.
curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-forwarded-for: {client_ip}' \
  --data '{"amount":1800,"currency":"usd","source":"{token}"}'

In response, the Clover server returns a unique charge id, payment status, and additional information about the transaction.

To learn about the different data objects your apps interact with for different Ecommerce API flows, see Ecommerce data model.