Custom tenders

United States
Latin America

Custom tenders are supported by all Clover devices and allow you to build additional payment methods for a given merchant or QR scanning. Custom tenders can launch as either customer-facing or merchant-facing experiences. To successfully build a custom tender, you must take the intended Clover hardware configuration into consideration.

This tutorial walks you through the process of building an app that creates a custom tender type. It also implements a payment flow that can be initiated from the Register, Sale, and Secure Payment apps.

Use cases

Clover Flex, Mini, or Mobile:

  • Initiated through the Register or Sale apps for a merchant-facing experience.
  • Initiated through the Secure Payments app for a customer-facing experience.

Clover Station Family with a Mini tether or Clover Mini with a Mini tether

  • Initiated through the Secure Payments app on a tethered Clover Mini for a customer-facing experience.
  • Initiated through the Register or Sale apps for a merchant-facing experience.

Semi-integrated approach of a third-party POS with a tethered Clover Mini:

  • Initiated through the Secure Payments app on a tethered Clover Mini for a customer-facing experience.

Design requirements

  1. Include a Cancel button so the customer or merchant can exit the payment flow.
  2. The logo graphic must have one of the following resolutions:
MDPI230 x 104px
HDPI345 x 156px
  1. Include a logo asset corresponding to each experience (customer and/or merchant).
    This should be:
  • A white (#FFFFFF) logo with a transparent background for the Secure Payments app (for a customer-facing experience).
  • A gray (#666666) logo with a transparent background for the Sale app (for a merchant-facing experience).

If you don't provide a logo, the button displays the name of the custom tender.

Optionally, review the Example App in the Android Examples repository to see how we've implemented these features.