Receive a Dev Kit outside the United States
Latin America
Clover Developer Kits (Dev Kits) are available through our regional resellers and partners. However, if you want a Dev Kit package shipped directly from Clover to your address outside the United States (US), you can use the services of an international freight forwarder.
Workflow to order and receive Dev Kits at non-US addresses
Workflow on how to receive Dev Kit packages at non-US addresses through a freight forwarder
Order and receive Dev Kits at non-US addresses
- Sign up with a freight forwarder, such as Stackry, Vyking Ship, or MyUs.
- Register your address outside the United States (non-US address) with the freight forwarder to receive the Clover Developer Kit (Dev Kit) package.
- Get a US shipping address from the freight forwarder. You need to provide this address when ordering Dev Kits on Clover Developer Kits.
- Add one or more Dev Kits to your cart on Clover Developer Kits and check out.
- Enter the US shipping address provided by your freight forwarder in the shipping details.
- Complete the payment, verify your email address, submit your order, and make a note of the order number from Clover for reference and tracking. Once the order is successfully placed:
- Clover fulfills the order to your US freight-forwarding address.
- Freight forwarder receives the Dev Kit package and ships it to your registered non-US address.
- Track your package using the freight forwarder's tracking details until you receive the Dev Kit package.
Frequently asked questions
Dev Kit shipment
- If you have questions related to the shipment of your Clover Dev Kit package to the freight forwarder, contact Clover Developer Relations with your order number.
- If you have questions after the freight forwarder receives your Clover Dev Kit package, contact the freight forwarder with the order tracking details.
Clover is not responsible for the process of your freight forwarder after they receive the Dev Kit order package from Clover.
Get support
- Email Clover Developer Relations for questions related to your Clover Dev Kit.
- See Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for more questions related to Dev Kits.
Related topics
For more information on using your Dev Kit, see:
Updated about 1 month ago