Ecommerce API response codes and descriptions

North America—United States and Canada

The following table describes the possible responses when running an endpoint in the Clover Ecommerce services APIs. These responses include various status codes and error messages that can help you diagnose and handle issues effectively during API integration.

200stringSuccessful response. Returns the charge object with any captured value set to true.
400 Bad RequeststringchargeIndicates a card-related error. Provides the unique identifier of the failed charge.
400 Bad RequeststringcodeProvides additional information about the error to help users identify the issue.
400 Bad Requeststringdecline_codeIndicates a card issuer declined the transaction, including the reason if specified by the issuer.
400 Bad Requeststringdoc_urlURL (link) for more information about the reported error code.
400 Bad RequeststringmessageDetailed information about the error code. For card-related errors, this can provide more information to users.
400 Bad RequeststringparamLists the specific parameter related to the error. Useful for informing users about specific issues with their card information entry.
400 Bad RequeststringtypeReturned error type:

- api_connection_error
- api_error
- authentication_error
- card_error
- idempotency_error
- invalid_request_error
- rate_limit_error