Accept a payment

United States

Use the PaymentRequestIntentBuilder class to build an Intent to start an activity to guide a user through the payment steps. Depending on the merchant configuration and Intent options set, a successful payment may be either a finalized payment or a tip-adjustable payment. The steps may include tip selection, signature collection, payment confirmation, and receipt selection. You can configure the options through the merchant settings or on the PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.


Build a payment request

You can build a payment request with a few lines of code.

val externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>" // should be unique for each request
val amount = 1000L
val context = this

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount)
val intent =
String externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>";
Long amount = 1000L;   
Context context = this;
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount);
Intent intent =;

Use the Intent to start the activity to process the payment request.

Options set on the builder to provide additional processing instructions include:

  • TipOptions—Settings for tips (if tips are enabled for merchant) and settings for signature requirements
  • CardOptions—Settings for supported card entry methods and card confirmations
  • ReceiptOptions—Settings for receipt screen
  • OfflineOptions—Settings to control offline payment options
  • TokenizeOptions—Settings for pay and tokenize cards for use in Ecommerce services

TipOptions & SignatureOptions

TipOptions & SignatureOptions are independent options that can be excluded; however, they share the same “location” value (on screen/on paper).


The TipOptions class provides static helper methods to simplify the creation of TipOptions.

Disable()Sets the options so that no tip is requested. Creates a final payment that is not tip-adjustable.
Provided(tipAmount: Long)If the tip amount is known before the payment request, this adds the tip amount to the payment and the payment is finalized.
PromptCustomer(baseAmount: Long, tipSuggestions: List<TipSuggestion>)Sets the amount to calculate the percentage-based tips or override the tip suggestions with fixed amounts or custom percentages.



The merchant’s payment gateway settings must be configured to create tippable payment for a tip-adjustable payment. On some devices, tips are taken prior to the payment and can be supported without merchant payment gateway settings, as the payment is finalized by the gateway.


The SignatureOptions class provides static helper methods to simplify the creation of SignatureOptions.

Disable()Sets the options so that no signature is requested.
PromptCustomer()Overrides the merchant settings for when, and if, to prompt for a signature.

Example—Disable tip and signature for a payment

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)
   null) // preferOnScreen

val intent =
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
            null);  //preferOnScreen
Intent intent =;


The CardOptions class provides a static method to set the supported card entry methods. It also includes options to auto-accept duplicate payment challenges that bypass the challenge prompts, and a cardNotPresent flag which, if false, results in manual card entry only.

Instance(<br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> cardEntryMethods : Set<CardEntryMethod>,</span><br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> cardNotPresent : Boolean,</span><br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> autoAcceptDuplicates : Boolean)Optionally sets any of these flags to create a CardOptions instance. If null is passed, the default settings for the merchant are used.
Instance(<br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> cardEntryMethods : Set<CardEntryMethod>,</span><br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> cardNotPresent : Boolean,</span><br>    <span style="white-space: nowrap;">autoAcceptDuplicates : Boolean,</span><br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> cashbackOptions : CashbackOptions)Optionally sets any of these flags to create a CardOptions instance. If null is passed, the default settings for the merchant are used.

Example—Set the card entry method to Manual only and to auto-accept duplicate challenges

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)

       CardEntryMethod.Manual(), // manual only
       null, // card not present
       true)) // auto-accept duplicates

val intent =
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
            CardEntryMethod.Manual(),   // manual only
            null,                       // card not present
            true));                     // auto-accept duplicates
Intent intent =;


The ReceiptOptions class provides the following options:

Static MethodDescription
Default(cloverShouldHandleReceipts: Boolean)Set whether clover should handle printing or sending SMS/Email receipts.
SkipReceiptSelection()Configure the flow to skip the receipt selection.
Instance(<br><span style="white-space: nowrap;">cloverShouldHandleReceipts : Boolean,</span> <span style="white-space: nowrap;">smsReceiptOption : SmsReceiptOption,</span><br><span style="white-space: nowrap;">emailReceiptOption : EmailReceiptOption,</span><br><span style="white-space: nowrap;">printReceiptOption : PrintReceiptOption,</span><br><span style="white-space: nowrap;">noReceiptOption : NoReceiptOption)</span>Disable or enable every receipt selection button on the receipt screen. In addition, this can be used to decide if clover should handle the printing or sending of SMS/Email receipts.

Example—Disable the SMS and email receipt buttons and set cloverShouldHandleReceipts to true.

val externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>" // should be unique for each request
val amount = 1000L
val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount)
val receiptOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.Instance(
                true,                                                                       //cloverShouldHandleReceipts = true
                PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.SmsReceiptOption.Disable(),      //disable SMS receipt button
                PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.EmailReceiptOption.Disable(),    //disable Email receipt button
                PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.PrintReceiptOption.Enable(),     //enable Print receipt button
                PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.NoReceiptOption.Enable())        //enable No Receipt button
val paymentRequestIntent = builder.receiptOptions(receiptOptions).build(context)
String externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>";
Long amount = 1000L;
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount);
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions receiptOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.Instance(
            true,                                                                       //cloverShouldHandleReceipts = true
            PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.SmsReceiptOption.Disable(),      //disable SMS receipt button
            PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.EmailReceiptOption.Disable(),    //disable Email receipt button
            PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.PrintReceiptOption.Enable(),     //enable Print receipt button
            PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.NoReceiptOption.Enable());       //enable No Receipt button
Intent intent = builder.receiptOptions(receiptOptions).build(context);

Result on the device


Accept a payment: Receipt screen


The OfflineOptions class provides a static method to configure three flags for offline payment settings.



To use this feature, merchant's payment gateway must be configured for offline payments.

Static MethodsDescription
Instance(<br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> allowOfflinePayment : Boolean,</span><br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> allowOfflinePaymentWithoutPrompt : Boolean,</span><br>  <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> forceOfflinePayment : Boolean)</span>Creates an OfflineOptions instance that is configured to take the payment offline. If needed, can take the payment offline without prompting the merchant and force the payment to be taken offline. The resulting payment returns a value of offline=true, if the payment was taken offline.

Offline payments are processed as soon as network connectivity is available.

Example—Allow an offline payment and disable the allow offline prompt

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)
       true, // allow offline
       true,  // approveOfflineWithoutPrompt
       null)) // forceOffline

val intent =
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
          true,     //allow offline
          true,     //approveOfflineWithoutPrompt
          null));   //forceOffline
Intent intent =;

Tokenize options

The TokenizeOptions class contains a single property, suppressConfirmation. However, the presence of TokenizeOptions, regardless of the suppressConfirmation value, indicates that a token should be generated for the payment card. The tokenize option is secondary to the payment, so, a failed tokenization can result in a successful payment but a failed payment cannot result in a successful tokenization.

Instance(suppressConfirmation:boolean)Creates a TokenizeOptions instance with the confirmation required or not. By default, confirmation is required and is requested.



To use this feature, you must have core-payments installed in your device. Contact support for queries.

Example—Request a payment token with a payment

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)

   false // suppressConfirmation

val intent =
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
             false));  //suppressConfirmation
Intent intent =;

Additional fields

Additional fields on the PaymentRequestIntentBuilder include:

externalPaymentId: StringCustom external payment identifier (Id) to identify the transaction.
amount: LongTotal amount paid.
taxAmount: LongAmount paid in taxes. This amount must display in the amount field as this is used for reporting purposes.
externalReferenceId: StringReference identifier (Id) that can be passed to the merchant's gateway displays in settlement records as the Invoice Number.

Response details

When the payment flow completes, the response comes through onActivityResult().

  • When the request is successful, you can retrieve the resulting Payment object with Intents.EXTRA_PAYMENT. You can also retrieve the receipt option selected with Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE if it was processed or requested using Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS.
  • If an email or SMS value is entered, that value is retrieved using Intents.EXTRA_ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE.
  • If you tokenized the card used, the card is retrieved using Intents.EXTRA_CARD.
  • When the request is unsuccessful, you can retrieve the failure message with Intents.EXTRA_FAILURE_MESSAGE.
fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                val payment: Payment = data.getParcelableExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PAYMENT)
                val receiptDeliveryStatus = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS)
                val receiptDeliveryType = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE)
                val enteredReceiptValue = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE)
                val card:Card = data.getParcelableExtra(Intents.EXTRA_CARD) //if card was tokenized
            } else {
                // payment failed, check for error
                val failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (requestCode == PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE) {
      if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        Payment payment = data.getParcelableExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PAYMENT);
        String receiptDeliveryStatus = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS);
        String receiptDeliveryType = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE);
        String enteredReceiptValue = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE);
        Card card = data.getParcelableExtra(Intents.EXTRA_CARD); //if card was tokenized
      } else {
       // payment failed, check for error
        String failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_FAILURE_MESSAGE);


Custom tips

Example—Create custom tip options of $1.00, $2.00, and 20% and prefer onScreen tips.

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)

var tipSuggestions = listOf<TipSuggestion>(
   TipSuggestion.Amount("Thanks!", 100),
   TipSuggestion.Amount("Good Job!", 200),
   TipSuggestion.Percentage("Great!", 20)
var tipOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.TipOptions.PromptCustomer(null, tipSuggestions)

   null, // signature options
   true) // preferOnScreen

val intent =
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
List<TipSuggestion> tipSuggestions = Arrays.asList(
            TipSuggestion.Amount("Thanks!", 100L),
            TipSuggestion.Amount("Good Job!", 200L),
            TipSuggestion.Percentage("Great!", 20L));
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.TipOptions tipOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.TipOptions.PromptCustomer(null, tipSuggestions);
Intent intent =;

Custom card entry methods

Example—Set the card entry methods to Manual and near-field communication (NFC) only.

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)

var cardEntryMethods = setOf<CardEntryMethod>(

var cardOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.Instance(
   null, // card not present
   null) // auto accept duplicates


val intent =
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
Set<CardEntryMethod> cardEntryMethods = new HashSet<>();
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions cardOptions = CardOptions.Instance(
     null,      //card not present
     null);                  //auto accept duplicates
Intent intent =;

Minimal interaction

Example—Reduce the screens to only the payment screen. This example disables tips, signatures, and payment confirmations, and skips the receipt screen.

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
Intent intent =;

Custom cashback options

Example—Set the CashbackOptions to $10, $15, $20, $25.

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)
val cashbackSuggestions: List<Long> = mutableListOf(10, 15, 20, 25)
val cashbackOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.CashbackOptions.Suggestions(cashbackSuggestions)
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
List<Long> cashbackSuggestions = Arrays.asList(10L, 15L, 20L, 25L);
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.CashbackOptions cashbackOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.CashbackOptions.Suggestions(cashbackSuggestions);
                    null,       //cardEntryMethods
                    null,                       //cardNotPresent
                    false,                      //autoAcceptDuplicates
Intent intent =;

Disable cashback

Example—Disable the cashback options screen.

val builder = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500)
val cashbackOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.CashbackOptions.Disable()
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new PaymentRequestIntentBuilder("<posPaymentId>", 1500);
PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.CashbackOptions cashbackOptions = PaymentRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.CashbackOptions.Disable();
              null,     //cardEntryMethods
              null,     //cardNotPresent
              false,    //autoAcceptDuplicates
Intent intent =;