Credit response reference
United States
Latin America
The following table describes the information that can be returned for credit actions initiated with the Clover Connector manualRefund
function. This is not a comprehensive listing, and some properties are present only when certain transaction parameters are met.
Property | Description |
success | Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
result | Final result of the requested operation. |
reason | Additional information about the result. |
message | Detailed information about the result. |
credit | Object representing the credit. | | Unique identifier of the credit. | | Unique identifier of the Clover order associated to the credit. | | Unique identifier of the merchant tender type used for the credit. |
credit.tender.editable | Indicates whether this merchant tender is editable. |
credit.tender.labelKey | Internal name of the tender. |
credit.tender.label | Name of the tender that displays to the merchant and customer. |
credit.tender.opensCashDrawer | Indicates whether a connected cash drawer is opened after the transaction is processed. |
credit.tender.enabled | Indicates whether the tender type is active for the merchant. |
credit.tender.visible | Indicates whether the tender type displays in the Clover Setup app |
credit.tender.instructions | Steps for the merchant to follow when accepting this tender type. |
credit.amount | Credit subtotal amount in cents. |
credit.tipAmount | Tip amount in cents. |
credit.taxAmount | Tax collected amount in cents. This is included in the subtotal shown in the credit.amount field. |
credit.cashbackAmount | Cashback amount in cents, given to the customer. |
credit.externalPaymentId | Unique identifier sent by your POS with the transaction request. See Track transactions with external IDs for more information. | | Unique identifier of the employee that processed the credit. |
credit.createdTime | Unix timestamp of when the credit record was created. |
credit.cardTransaction | Object containing information about the card presented by the customer to complete the credit. |
credit.cardTransaction.cardType | Brand of card used for the credit. |
credit.cardTransaction.entryType | Method of entering card information on the Clover device. These options can be controlled with the CardEntryMethods per-transaction setting. |
credit.cardTransaction.first6 | First 6 digits of the card number. |
credit.cardTransaction.last4 | Last 4 digits of the card number. |
credit.cardTransaction.type | Transaction type recorded by the payment gateway. |
credit.cardTransaction.authCode | Authorization code returned by the card issuer. |
credit.cardTransaction.referenceId | Reference identifier returned by the card issues. |
credit.cardTransaction.transactionNo | Transaction identifier returned by the card issues. |
credit.cardTransaction.state | Current status of the credit. Values: PENDING , CLOSED |
credit.cardTransaction.extra | Object containing additional details about the card transaction. |
credit.cardTransaction.extra.authorizingNetworkName | Name of the card network that processed the transaction request. |
credit.cardTransaction.token | Reusable, tokenized representation of the card. This is returned only when the merchant is configured for multipay tokens. |
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard | Object containing data about the customer's tokenized card. This is returned only for merchants that are configured for multipay tokens. |
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.first6 | First 6 digits of the card number. |
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.last4 | Last 4 digits of the card number. |
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.cardholderName | Full name of the cardholder. |
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.expirationDate | Expiration date in MMYY format. |
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.token | Reusable, tokenized representation of the card. |
credit.germanInfo | Credit information specific to the German region. |
credit.externalReferenceId | Unique identifier sent by your POS with the transaction request. Use the field to associate a Clover transaction with the merchant's order identifier, such as an invoice or purchase order number. |
credit.paymentId | Original payment credited by the refund. |
Updated over 1 year ago