Credit response reference

United States
Latin America

The following table describes the information that can be returned for credit actions initiated with the Clover Connector manualRefund function. This is not a comprehensive listing, and some properties are present only when certain transaction parameters are met.

successIndicates whether the operation was successful.
resultFinal result of the requested operation.
reasonAdditional information about the result.
messageDetailed information about the result.
creditObject representing the credit.
credit.idUnique identifier of the credit.
credit.orderRef.idUnique identifier of the Clover order associated to the credit.
credit.tender.idUnique identifier of the merchant tender type used for the credit.
credit.tender.editableIndicates whether this merchant tender is editable.
credit.tender.labelKeyInternal name of the tender.
credit.tender.labelName of the tender that displays to the merchant and customer.
credit.tender.opensCashDrawerIndicates whether a connected cash drawer is opened after the transaction is processed.
credit.tender.enabledIndicates whether the tender type is active for the merchant.
credit.tender.visibleIndicates whether the tender type displays in the Clover Setup app
credit.tender.instructionsSteps for the merchant to follow when accepting this tender type.
credit.amountCredit subtotal amount in cents.
credit.tipAmountTip amount in cents.
credit.taxAmountTax collected amount in cents. This is included in the subtotal shown in the credit.amount field.
credit.cashbackAmountCashback amount in cents, given to the customer.
credit.externalPaymentIdUnique identifier sent by your POS with the transaction request. See Track transactions with external IDs for more information.
credit.employee.idUnique identifier of the employee that processed the credit.
credit.createdTimeUnix timestamp of when the credit record was created.
credit.cardTransactionObject containing information about the card presented by the customer to complete the credit.
credit.cardTransaction.cardTypeBrand of card used for the credit.
credit.cardTransaction.entryTypeMethod of entering card information on the Clover device. These options can be controlled with the CardEntryMethods per-transaction setting.
credit.cardTransaction.first6First 6 digits of the card number.
credit.cardTransaction.last4Last 4 digits of the card number.
credit.cardTransaction.typeTransaction type recorded by the payment gateway.
credit.cardTransaction.authCodeAuthorization code returned by the card issuer.
credit.cardTransaction.referenceIdReference identifier returned by the card issues.
credit.cardTransaction.transactionNoTransaction identifier returned by the card issues.
credit.cardTransaction.stateCurrent status of the credit.
credit.cardTransaction.extraObject containing additional details about the card transaction.
credit.cardTransaction.extra.authorizingNetworkNameName of the card network that processed the transaction request.
credit.cardTransaction.tokenReusable, tokenized representation of the card. This is returned only when the merchant is configured for multipay tokens.
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCardObject containing data about the customer's tokenized card. This is returned only for merchants that are configured for multipay tokens.
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.first6First 6 digits of the card number.
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.last4Last 4 digits of the card number.
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.cardholderNameFull name of the cardholder.
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.expirationDateExpiration date in MMYY format.
credit.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.tokenReusable, tokenized representation of the card.
credit.germanInfoCredit information specific to the German region.
credit.externalReferenceIdUnique identifier sent by your POS with the transaction request. Use the field to associate a Clover transaction with the merchant's order identifier, such as an invoice or purchase order number.
credit.paymentIdOriginal payment credited by the refund.