Iframe integrations

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The Clover iframe provides the simplest form of ecommerce integration with secure card data entry through a customizable HTML payment form that you can embed in a merchant's ecommerce website. With the Clover iframe, you can quickly set up an online store with a payment form for card-not-present payments. The iframe returns a tokenized card for use with the Clover payment system. This reduces the PCI DSS compliance burden for merchants.

Key features

Some key points about the Clover iframe are:

  • Secure payment processing—Send sensitive payment information directly to Clover servers, significantly reducing the PCI DSS compliance burden for merchants. You can also use reCAPTCHA for all transactions made through Clover iframe pages. This helps to validate customers versus bots or automated software.
  • Seamless API integration—Use the Clover Ecommerce APIs to incorporate payment functionalities into your merchant's website, ensuring a smooth checkout experience for customers.
  • Customizable form design—Use iframe elements to align with your merchant's ecommerce website brand and embed payment buttons, such as Apple Pay® and Google Pay™.
  • Setup for card-not-present payments—Quickly set up an online store that supports PCI-compliant processing for card-not-present CNP) transactions.

Watch video: Use Clover iframe with Ecommerce APIs

Watch Learn

In this video, learn:

  • How to combine the Clover-hosted iframe with the Clover Ecommerce SDK to create a secure payment experience.
  • How to create a payment form to create a credit card token.
  • How to pass the credit card token to `v1/charges` endpoint.
  • How to make an API call through Postman or use a function with the credit card token as a parameter.

Information flow for a charge request using an iframe

You can build a secure payment experience on your website using iframe card and page elements to securely transfer the customer's payment information from the merchant browser to the Clover server. Quick steps to set up a Clover iframe integration are:

  1. Import the Clover SDK to the merchant's webpage by adding a <script> tag to the <head> section of the HTML. This lets you use the Clover iframe features.
  2. Configure the SDK with the merchant’s public key retrieved from the PAKMS endpoint. This is necessary to make payment requests on behalf of the merchant.
  3. Add an HTML payment form to the merchant webpage. The iframe collects and processes a customer's card information.
  4. Customize the iframe elements to match the website design and branding, providing a seamless user experience.
  5. Generate a card token and create a charge. Tokenize the customer card information entered in the payment form. Use a server-to-server call between the app server and the Clover server to create a charge.
  6. Test the integration in the sandbox environment to ensure that the payment process is smooth and secure.

The following diagram displays the information flow and the interaction of software components required to complete a charge request using a Clover iframe.

Information flow for charge request  
Green: Clover software  
Blue:  your apps software

Information flow for a charge request
Green: Clover software
Blue: your apps software


Offer flexible payment options to customers—Clover hosted checkout page versus Clover iframe payment form

Clover hosted checkout page is ideal for simple orders where a Clover terminal isn't available on-site, such as event ticket sales. Customers are redirected to a Clover-hosted payment page to enter their payment and shipping details. After the transaction, they are redirected to the merchant's website.

The Clover iframe integration is suitable for merchants who want to maintain a seamless user experience on their own ecommerce website. The payment form is embedded directly on the merchant's website using an iframe. Customers enter their payment details without leaving the website.

Get started

Use the following to integrate the Clover iframe with your merchant's ecommerce website:

Payment form with Clover iframe

Use to create an interactive payment form that tokenizes customer’s card information and creates a charge to take a payment.

Clover iframe elements

Learn about the card and page elements that you can use in your payment form to get a customer’s payment information.

Payment buttons

Learn how you can add and customize payment buttons to your payment form.

Custom styling for iframe elements

Use cascading style sheets (CSS) to customize the look and feel of the payment form to match an ecommerce website's brand.