Issue a manual refund

United States

Use the CreditRequestIntentBuilder class to build an Intent to initiate an activity to create a manual refund. Manual refund is not associated with an existing payment. See manual refund for more information.



  1. Build a manual refund request.
val context = this
val externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>" // should be unique for each request
val amount = 1000L
val builder = CreditRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount)
val creditRequestIntent =
Context context = this;
String externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>"; // should be unique for each request
Long amount = 1000L;
CreditRequestIntentBuilder builder = new CreditRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount);
Intent creditRequestIntent =;
  1. Use the Intent to initiate the activity to process the manual refund request.

  2. Use the optional CardOptions and ReceiptOptions classes on the builder to provide additional processing instructions.


The CardOptions class provides a static method to set the supported card entry methods and a cardNotPresent flag.

Instance( cardEntryMethods : Set<CardEntryMethod>, cardNotPresent : Boolean)Sets card entry flags to create a CardOptions instance.
Note: When no value or the null value is passed in the instance, the system takes the merchant's default setting.

Example—Set the CardOptions to All

val externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>" // should be unique for each request
val amount = 1000L
val builder = CreditRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount)
val cardOptions =
    CreditRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.Instance(CardEntryMethod.All(), null)
val creditRequestIntent = builder.cardOptions(cardOptions).build(context)
String externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>"; // should be unique for each request
Long amount = 1000L;
CreditRequestIntentBuilder builder = new CreditRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount);
CreditRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions cardOptions =
            CreditRequestIntentBuilder.CardOptions.Instance(CardEntryMethod.All(), null);
Intent creditRequestIntent = builder.cardOptions(cardOptions).build(context);


The ReceiptOptions class provides a static helper method to simplify the creation of ReceiptOptions.

Default(cloverShouldHandleReceipts: Boolean)Indicates whether Clover is handling the printing or sending of SMS and email receipts.
SkipReceiptSelection()Skips the selection and display of a receipt.
For the No Receipt option, the receipt selection step is skipped, and no receipt is printed.
Instance ( {{cloverShouldHandleReceipts : Boolean, }} {{smsReceiptOption : SmsReceiptOption, }} {{emailReceiptOption : EmailReceiptOption, }} {{printReceiptOption : PrintReceiptOption, }} noReceiptOption : NoReceiptOption)Activates or deactivates the receipt selection button on the receipt screen.
Indicates whether Clover is handling the printing or sending of SMS and email receipts.

Example—Deactivate SMS and email receipt buttons and set cloverShouldHandleReceipts to true.

val externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>" // should be unique for each request
val amount = 1000L
val builder = CreditRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount)
val receiptOptions = CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.Instance(true, CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.SmsReceiptOption.Disable(), CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.EmailReceiptOption.Disable(), CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.PrintReceiptOption.Enable(), CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.NoReceiptOption.Enable())
val creditRequestIntent = builder.receiptOptions(receiptOptions).build(context)
String externalPaymentId = "<posPaymentId>"; // should be unique for each request
Long amount = 1000L;
CreditRequestIntentBuilder builder = new CreditRequestIntentBuilder(externalPaymentId, amount);
CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions receiptOptions = CreditRequestIntentBuilder.ReceiptOptions.Instance(
Intent creditRequestIntent = builder.receiptOptions(receiptOptions).build(context);

Result on the device


Manual refund: Receipt screen

Additional fields

Additional fields for theCreditRequestIntentBuilder classes are: 

externalPaymentId: StringCustom external payment ID persists with the transaction.
amount: LongTotal credit amount.

Response details

  • When the credit flow completes, the response is available through onActivityResult().
  • For a successful response, retrieve the following:
    • Credit object using the Intent: CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.CREDIT
    • Selected receipt option using the Intent: Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE
    • Status whether the receipt option was processed or requested, using the Intent: Intents.EXTRA_RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS
    • Email or SMS value, if entered, using the Intent: CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE
  • For an unsuccessful response, retrieve the failure message using the Intent: CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE

Response example

fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == CREDIT_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                val credit: Credit = data?.getParcelableExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.CREDIT)
                val receiptDeliveryType = data?.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE)
                val receiptDeliveryStatus = data?.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS)                
                val enteredReceiptValue = data?.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE)            
            } else {
                // credit failed, check for error
                val failureMessage = data?.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE)
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (requestCode == CREDIT_REQUEST_CODE) {
      if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        Credit credit = data.getParcelableExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.CREDIT);
        String receiptDeliveryType = data.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_TYPE);
        String receiptDeliveryStatus = data.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.RECEIPT_DELIVERY_STATUS);
        String enteredReceiptValue = data.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.ENTERED_RECEIPT_VALUE);
      } else {
        // credit failed, check for error
        String failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(CreditRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE);