Ecommerce: Integrate Clover Payments plugin with Shopify Online Shop

Pay Anywhere, Sell Everywhere

North America—United States and Canada

Before you begin

To integrate the Clover Payments plugin with a Clover merchant's Shopify Online Shop, note the following:

  • Clover merchants—The free Clover Payments plugin is available for Clover merchants. On the Clover Merchant Dashboard, a merchant:
    • Can have multiple merchantIds but can associate only one merchantId with one or more Shopify Online Shops.
    • Can only create a Shopify Online Shop for a specific country and its currency.
      The merchant's Clover account agreement determines the charges for transactions. Shopify does not support surcharging; hence, only Clover merchants who do not support surcharging can connect with a Shopify Online Shop.
  • Card networks—Merchants with Shopify Online Shops must select the same card networks on Shopify to ensure a seamless payment transaction process. In case of any changes, Clover communicates the card network settings and updates to Shopify so they can apply the same settings.
  • Best practices—Review the best practices to install or uninstall the Clover Payments plugin, and for additional information, see the introductory topic: Clover Payments plugin for Shopify Online Shop.
View or download Learn

In this video, learn:

  • How to install and activate the Clover Payments plugin
  • Connect the Clover Payments for Shopify plugin with a merchant
  • Place and order on the Shopify Online Shop and pay with the Clover Payments plugin


  1. Clover merchant account with the Owner role and a Clover merchantId.
    Note: Surcharge-enabled merchantId cannot be connected to a Shopify Online Shop.
  2. Shopify Online Shop for the Clover merchant.

1. Install the Clover Payments plugin

  1. Log in to your Shopify Online Store account.
  2. Click Settings > Payments. The Payments page appears. On this page, you can add different payment providers and methods.
    Note: Click test payment provider to use the Bogus Gateway to test a payment provider.
  3. In the Payment providers section, click Choose a provider.
Shopify Store: Payments > Choose a provider

Shopify Online Shop: Payments > Choose a provider

The Third-party payment providers page appears.

  1. Enter Clover in the Filter third-party payment field and click the search icon. Clover Payments displays in the search results.
  2. Click Clover Payments and then click Install. The Install app page appears.
  3. Review or add information as needed.
  4. Click Install. The Clover Payments plugin page appears.
  5. Click Manage Account.
Clover Payments: Manage Account

Clover Payments: Manage Account

The Clover Merchant Log In page appears.

  1. Log in to your Merchant Dashboard and complete the steps to Connect the Clover Payments plugin with a merchant.

2. Connect the Clover Payments plugin with a merchant

On the Clover Merchant Dashboard, select the merchant to integrate the Clover Payments plugin with the Shopify Online Shop.

  1. Log in to the Clover Merchant Dashboard. The Select a Merchant page appears.
Clover Merchant Dashboard: Select a Merchant page

Clover Merchant Dashboard: Select a Merchant page

  1. From the Merchant column, click a merchant. The Clover App Market displays the Clover Payments plugin in the Merchant Dashboard.
Merchant Dashboard > More Tools > Clover Payments for Shopify plugin > Connect button

Merchant Dashboard > More Tools > Clover Payments for Shopify plugin > Connect button

  1. Click Connect. The Pricing & Subscription pop-up appears. The Free subscription option is selected by default.
Pricing & Subscription Information pop-up

Pricing & Subscription Information pop-up

  1. Click Connect. The Select a Merchant page reappears.
    Reselect the merchant's name. The Review card brands accepted by <store name> page appears.
    Note: The page displays all the card network brands associated with merchant ID during their onboarding. Merchants with Shopify Online Shops must select the same card networks on Shopify to ensure a seamless payment transaction process.
Clover Merchant Dashboard: Review credit card networks

Clover Merchant Dashboard: Review credit card networks

  1. Review the information and click Confirm. The Shopify Online Shop Dashboard appears.
    Note: To integrate the Clover Payments plugin with another business's Shopify Online Shop, click Choose your business. Search for and select another merchant on the Select a Merchant page.