Create Ecommerce API tokens

Create and use public and private keys or API tokens to develop and test Ecommerce app integrations

North America—United States and Canada

You can create public and private keys or Ecommerce API tokens in either the production or sandbox environment. API tokens secure the communication between an app integration and your merchant account. You can use an API token to integrate online payments with your ecommerce website. You can create only one Ecommerce API token per merchant account, but you can use the same token for multiple solutions.

To create public and private keys (API tokens):

  1. Log in to your Global Developer Dashboard.
  2. From the Developer Account drop-down list, select a merchant name under Businesses. The Merchant Dashboard for the selected merchant appears.
  3. From the left navigation menu, click Account & Setup. The Account & Setup page appears.
  4. In the Ecommerce section, click Ecommerce API Tokens.

Merchant Dashboard > Account & Setup > Ecommerce > Ecommerce API Tokens

The Ecommerce API Tokens page displays any existing API tokens and to create a new token you have to delete the existing token. If you have not created any API tokens, the Tokens section on the page is blank.


Ecommerce API Tokens > Create new token

  1. Click Create New Token. The Create new token pop-up appears.

Create new token pop-up

  1. Verify or select the Integration type as Hosted iFrame + API/SDK. This is a closer integration with your website that allows for more customization and lets you define the checkout fields, all styled using your cascading style sheets (CSS). For more information, see Clover iframe integrations.
  2. Click Create Token. The API tokens page displays the public and private keys (tokens) you need to use when entering the Clover Payment configuration.

Ecommerce API Tokens for iframe integration type

  1. Copy the public and private tokens to test your ecommerce integrations, as follows:
  • Public token—Use as the Ecommerce API key or apiAccessKey for card, gift card, or ACH tokenization.
  • Private token—Set as the Bearer token in the Authorization header to use Ecommerce APIs.