
United States

Use the CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder class to build an Intent to initiate an activity to manually closeout the current batch of transactions.



  1. Build a closeout request.
val builder = CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder()
val intent =
  1. Use the Intent to initiate the closeout process.


The TipOptions class provides static methods to customize the handling of open tip-adjustable payments.

ZeroOutOpenTips()For open payments, autopopulates all open payments with a tip amount = 0.
PromptForOpenPayments()For open payments, prompts the merchant to manually enter tip amounts.
ReturnOpenPayments()For open payments, returns payment IDs of outstanding open payments.



A closeout will not be queued if there are open payments.

Example—Zero out all open tips

Zeroing out of all open tips is a headless process without the user interface.

val builder  = CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder()
val tipOptions = CloseoutRequstIntentBuilder.TipOptions.ZeroOutOpenTips()
val intent = builder.tipOptions(tipOptions).build(context)

Example—Prompt for Open Payments

val builder  = CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder()
val tipOptions = CloseoutRequstIntentBuilder.TipOptions.PromptForOpenPayments()
val intent = builder.tipOptions(tipOptions).build(context)
Closeout keypad page - open payments

Closeout keypad - open payments

Additional field

Additional field for the CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder class is:

leavePreauthsOpen: BooleanIndicates whether to keep authorizations open through closeout.

Response details

When the closeout flow completes, the response is available through onActivityResult().

  • For a successful request, retrieve the Batch object using the Intent: CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.BATCH
  • For an unsuccessful request, retrieve the failure message using the Intent:
    • CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE
    • CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_IDS if the intent fails because of open payments.

Response example

fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == CLOSEOUT_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                val batch: Batch = data?.getParcelableExtra<Batch>(CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.BATCH) as Batch
                val closeoutResult = data?.getStringExtra(CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.CLOSEOUT_RESULT)
            } else {
                // closeout failed, check for error
                val failureMessage = data?.getStringExtra(CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE)
                val closeoutResult = data?.getStringExtra(CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.CLOSEOUT_RESULT)
                val paymentIds = data?.getStringArrayListExtra(CloseoutRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_IDS)