Calculate order totals

United States

When you create orders, you can view order details and receipts using the Orders app on the Merchant Dashboard for your test merchant. The order receipt displays the order total breakdown.

Order receipt that displays the order total breakdown

Sample order receipt

The following example shows how to calculate order totals.



When rounding decimal amounts smaller than a cent, such as tax per line item, calculate rounding with the round half up rule. For example, the rounding value of $33.654 is $33.65 and the rounding value of $33.455 is $33.46.

Step 1: Line item calculations

Starting with the line item price, add any modifier costs.

In the following table, the cost of the Avocado and Tofu modifiers are $1.00 each. When you add the price of these modifiers to the Caesar Salad price, the subtotal with modifiers is $14.00 ($12.00 + $1.00 + $1.00). Similarly, the Greek Salad subtotal with modifiers is $12.00 ($10.00 + $1.00 + $1.00).

Line itemPriceModifiersCostSubtotal with modifiers
Caesar Salad$12.00Avocado
Greek Salad$10.00Avocado

Step 2: Line item discounts

From the line item subtotal with modifiers:

  1. Subtract any percentage discounts, and then
  2. Subtract any numerical discounts.

In the following table, the value of the Lunch deal line item discount is $1.00. When you apply this discount to the Caesar Salad subtotal, the new subtotal after discounts is $13.00 ($14.00 - $1.00).

The value of the 25% off select salads line item discount is 25% of the.Greek Salad subtotal (25% of $12.00 = $3.00). When you apply this discount to the Greek Salad subtotal, the new subtotal after discounts is $9.00 ($12.00 - $3.00).

Line itemSubtotalLine item discountsValueSubtotal after discounts
Caesar Salad$14.00Lunch deal$1.00$13.00
Greek Salad$12.0025% off select salads$3.00$9.00

Step 3: Order-level discounts

From the subtotal after line item discounts:

  1. Subtract any order-level percentage discounts and then
  2. Subtract any order-level numerical discounts.

In the following table, the value of the 15th visit 15% off order-level discount is 15% of each line item subtotal. When you subtract this discount from the Caesar Salad subtotal, the new subtotal after order-level discounts is $11.05 ($13.00 - $1.95). Similarly, the Greek Salad subtotal after order-level discounts is $7.65 ($9.00 - $1.35).

Line itemSubtotalOrder level discountsValueSubtotal after discounts
Caesar Salad$13.0015th visit 15% off$1.95$11.05
Greek Salad$9.00$1.35$7.65

Step 4: Service charges

To the subtotal after order-level discounts, add any service charges.

In the following table, apply a service charge of 5% to the order subtotal after order-level discounts.

SubtotalService charge rateService charge collected

Step 5: Taxes

To retrieve tax rates for order line items, send a GET request to /v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}/line_items?expand=taxRates.

    "elements": [
            "name": "Greek Salad",
            "price": 1000,
            "taxRates": {
                "elements": [
                        "id": "6HA0Z3Z5DPCBC",
                        "name": "Tax B",
                        "rate": 500000 // 5% tax applied to Greek Salad
            "name": "Caesar Salad",
            "price": 1200,
            "taxRates": {
                "elements": [
                        "id": "77FAGR71YYD5M", // tax rate object
                        "name": "Tax A",
                        "rate": 1000000 // 10% tax applied to Caesar Salad
    "href": "{mId}/orders/{orderId}/line_items?limit=100"



If vat is set to true in the merchant properties, the merchant uses a value-added tax. This means the tax amount is already included in the line item total and no additional amount should be added for tax.

Using the subtotal after order-level discounts (Step 3), calculate tax rates per taxable line item.

In the following table:

  • Apply a 10% Tax A tax to Caesar Salad
  • Apply a 5% Tax B tax to Greek Salad
Line itemSubtotal after discountsTaxTax rateTax collected
Caesar Salad$11.05Tax A10%$1.11
Greek Salad$7.65Tax B5%$0.38



If multiple line items in an order are taxed using the same tax rate object, Clover calculates taxes on the subtotal of those items. In the above example, if the same Tax A object of 10% is applied to the $11.05 and $7.65 values, calculate tax on the sum of these values.

($11.05 + $7.65) * 0.10) = $1.87

See Tax Reports: Examples for more information about calculating taxes for line items.

Step 6: Order total

The order total is the sum of the subtotal after any discounts, taxes, and service charges, if any.

In the following table, the order total is $21.51 ($18.70 + $1.87 + $0.94).

Subtotal after discountsTaxesService chargesTotal

Apply multiple tax rates to line items

A line item can have multiple tax rates. In the following table, each line item has the Tax A and Tax B applied to it.

Line itemSubtotal after discountsTaxTax rateTax collected
Caesar Salad$11.05Tax A10%$1.11
Tax B5%$0.55
Greek Salad$7.65Tax A10%$0.77
Tax B5%$0.38

See Tax Reports: Examples for more examples of different use cases for calculating line item tax calculations.