Get a charge

United States

The Get a charge endpoint retrieves details of an existing charge previously created using the Create a charge endpoint. To return a charge, use the charge identifier (chargeId) that was returned from the create a charge request. a ChargeId is also returned when a charge is first created or if it is refunded.

Request example

The following is a sample request when issuing the Get a charge endpoint:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json'\

Path parameter

The following table describes the path parameter to use with the Get a charge endpoint:

chargeIdstringRequired. Universally unique identifier (UUID) of the charge you want to retrieve.

Query parameter

The following table describes the query parameter to use when using the Get a charge endpoint:

expandarray of stringsIndicates the fields to display in response to expanding the fields.

Response example

The following is a sample response when running Get a charge endpoint:

  "object": "list",
  "url": "/v1/charges",
  "data": [
      "id": "1AB2CDEF34G5H",
      "amount": 214,
      "currency": "usd",
      "created": 123456789123,
      "captured": false,
      "ref_num": 987654321,
      "auth_code": "123456",
      "order": A1BCDD3EF4JKL,
      "outcome": {
        "network_status": "approved_by_network",
        "type": "authorized"
      "paid": true,
      "status": "succeeded",
      "source": {
        "id": "clv_1AAAAAAbCdefJK2l3MnoPQ4r",
        "brand": "DISCOVER",
        "first6": “123456,
        "last4": “4321”
      "amount_captured": 214


The following table describes the possible responses when running the Get a charge endpoint:

200stringReturns the charge object with any captured value set to true.
400 Bad RequeststringchargeReturns when a card-related error occurs. Indicates the unique ID of the failed charge.
400 Bad RequeststringcodeReturns additional information about the error that you can use to provide user-friendly handling of the issue.
400 Bad Requeststringdecline_codeReturns when a card issuer declined the transaction. Includes the reason for the decline if specified by the card issuer.
400 Bad Requeststringdoc_urlReturns a link for more information about the reported error code.
400 Bad RequeststringmessageProvides detailed information about the error code. For card-related errors, use this information to inform users.
400 Bad RequeststringparamIf the error is related to a specific parameter, this value lists the parameter. You can inform users of a particular issue in the entered card information.
400 Bad RequeststringtypeReturned error type:
- api_connection_error
- api_error
- authentication_error
- card_error
- idempotency_error
- invalid_request_error
- rate_limit_error