Clover Go SDK

United States

The Clover Go software development kit (SDK) lets you integrate iOS® or Android apps with the Clover Go reader.

Clover Go SDK highlights

The Clover Go SDK:

  • Provides simple integration to handle card present and card not present (manual entry) payments.
  • Includes feature parity with existing Go SDK, and backward compatibility with the legacy Ingenico RP450 reader for existing integrations.
  • Supports use cases for both merchant-built apps and independent service provider (ISV) partner apps.
  • Includes Android SDK and V1 iOS libraries.
  • Includes developer documentation and integration guides.

The new Clover Go SDK does not include the following:

  • Pre-built user interface (UI) screens to embed into a custom application.
  • Clover-built app that handles payment on the customer's device.
  • Compatibility with responsive web apps running on mobile devices.

Prerequisites (sandbox)

Before you integrate with the Go SDK, complete the following:

Go device features

Card readers supportedDevice operations
- Clover Go readers- Get Clover Go reader battery level
- Ingenico RP450 (legacy)
Note: Clover Go readers support EMV Contact and Contactless (NFC).
Mag-stripe is not supported.
Convenience method to handle:

- Device initiation (key injection)
- Bluetooth connection

Supported payment transactions

Clover APIs support the following types of payment transactions: Sale, auth, or pre-auth; card-present through the device or manually entered through a payment form.

Payment methodDescriptionFinalCapture
SaleClosed or settled payment that is final and is ready for capture. A sale cannot be adjusted for tips or captured later.YesYes
AuthOpen payment that can be tip-adjusted until closeout occurs. It is closed at the time of closeout.

tipAdjust requests require an existing transaction reference ID (paymentId) and the tip amount to add to the original transaction.
Pre-authOpen payment that is captured later. Pre-auth request needs to be captured in the future. Once captured, it is closed at the time of closeout.

Pre-auths must be followed by a capture request for payment to be processed. Payment will not be received until after this request is made. The capture request must include all of the following:

- existing transaction reference ID (paymentId) for capture/completion
- amount to be captured
- optional tipAmountUse a pre-auth request when a delay is needed between the time a transaction is started with a customer and when the payment completes. For example, pre-auths are appropriate for apps that facilitate online food orders, bar tabs, or other made-to-order goods. If a delay is needed between ordering and payment, then using the Sale (captured) payment method reduces the complexity of your app.
Forced Credit (refund without reference)For manual entry only. Accepting manually entered payments puts third-party apps in the scope of payment card industry (PCI) compliance. Clover Go SDK solution handles client-side encryption of manual card entries using a Clover-issued certificate.
ReversalVoid or refund with reference.
Others- Capture a pre-auth
- Tip adjust an auth
- Closeout a batch
- Send a Clover digital receipt

Development specifications

Development environmentXcode version: 14.2Target SDK versions: 23 - 32
OS versions validatediOS 14 and above on your deviceAndroid version 7.1 - 12L and above on your device
SDK distributionCocoaPodsMaven Central


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