Manage test merchant accounts and information
Test merchant accounts let you simulate merchant interactions with your application. This includes installing your app, assigning permissions, and then testing all the features of your app.
Default test merchant account: When you sign up to create a global developer account, a default test merchant account is automatically created for the sandbox and production environments. Test merchants in the production environment are not billed.
While creating and testing apps for the default test merchant, you can also:
- Create additional test merchants in the sandbox or production environment for the region where you want to make your app available.
- Add test merchants with different settings to simulate the effects of time zones, currencies, or permissions.
- Process test transactions using the correct payment gateway for a region. A specific payment gateway is configured based on the address you enter for your test merchant. For example, if you are a developer who wants to create an app for use in Canada, create your test merchant using a Canadian address.
Create additional test merchants
Log in to the Global Developer Dashboard. The sandbox environment appears by default.
Click the Sandbox toggle icon to go to either the sandbox or the production environment.
From the left navigation menu, click Test Merchants. The Test Merchants page lists the default test merchant account.
Global Developer Dashboard: Test Merchants
Click Add Test Merchant. The Create your Test Merchant page appears.

Create your Test Merchant page
- Add information in the following fields:
Field | Description |
Merchant Name | Name of the merchant that displays on the Test Merchants page and Dev Kits associated with the account. |
Country | Country where the merchant is located. |
Zip/Postal Code | Postal code for the merchant location. |
Address Line | Street and building information for the merchant location. |
City | City of the merchant location. |
State/Province | State or province of the merchant. If the selected country does not have states or provinces, enter n/a. |
Phone Number | Phone number for the merchant. |
Currency | Currency accepted by the merchant. |
Timezone | Timezone for the merchant. |
Employee Passcode Length | Passcode of 4- or 6-digits that employees of the merchant business must use to log on to the test device. |
- Click Create Account. The added merchant name displays in the merchants list on the Test Merchants page.
Update test merchant business information
When you sign up to create a global developer account, a default test merchant account is automatically created for the sandbox and production environments. You can also create additional test merchants. You can update the test merchant settings only in the sandbox environment in the Merchant Dashboard, such as updating business details, adding employees, setting up taxes, and building an inventory.
To change your test merchant's business information:
Log in to the Global Developer Dashboard.
From the left navigation menu, click Test Merchants. The Test Merchants page displays a list of test merchants.
From the Actions column, click the Launch Dashboard icon next to a test merchant.
Global Developer Dashboard: Test Merchants
The Merchant Dashboard appears.
From the top menu, click the Settings icon.
Merchant Dashboard: Settings icon
The Settings side panel appears.
Merchant Dashboard: Settings side panel
Click Business Information. The Business Information page appears.
Merchant Dashboard: Business Information page
Enter information in the fields, such as business name and address, currency, timezone, privacy policy, and business hours, and upload the business logo.
Click Save.
To update other test merchant settings, on the Settings side panel, click View all settings and see all available settings options on the Account & Setup page. For more information, see Clover Help for merchants.
Switch between developer account and test merchant accounts
You can switch between your test merchant accounts on the Merchant Dashboard and also return to your Global Developer Dashboard.
- Log in to the Global Developer Dashboard.
- From the left navigation menu, click Test Merchants. The Test Merchants page displays a list of test merchants.
- From the Actions column, click the Launch icon next to a test merchant. The Merchant Dashboard appears.
- Next to the merchant name, click the Switch Your Business icon. The Switch your Business pop-up appears.

Switch your business pop-up
- Select a merchant name or developer name to go to the relevant dashboard.
Locate the merchant identifier (merchantId)
Clover assigns a universally unique identifier (UUID) known as the merchantId to every merchant business. You can search for and view merchantId in both the sandbox and production environments.
To locate the merchantId:
- Log in to the Global Developer Dashboard.
- Click the Sandbox toggle icon to go to either the sandbox or the production environment.
- From the left navigation menu, click Test Merchants. The Test Merchants page lists the default test merchant account.
- Click the Launch Dashboard icon. The Test Merchant Dashboard appears.
- From the top-right menu, click Settings. The Settings side panel appears.
- Click View all settings. The Settings page appears.
- In the About Your Business section, click Merchants. The User Settings page displays the merchantId for the selected merchant. The merchantId is the 13-alphanumeric identifier below the merchant name in the Merchant column.

Test MerchantID in the Merchant Dashboard—User Settings page
The same merchantId also displays in the URL of the page as the mid

Test MerchantId in the Merchant Dashboard URL
- To view another merchantId, enter search criteria in the Search merchants by name, ID, city field, and click Search. The merchant information displays in the search results grid.
Updated 3 months ago