Manage Android app releases
When you create or manage your app, you can upload and manage Android Package Kits (APK) versions for your Android apps. After uploading your approved APK, you can use a merchant release group for different subscription tiers, stagger rollouts, app pilot programs, or A/B testing features across two or more groups of merchants.
On the Developer Dashboard: App Releases page, you can view and manage your APKs as follows:
- Configure supported devices for the app.
- Upload an APK.
- Add or update release notes for an Android version.
- Submit an APK for approval.
- Download an existing APK.
- Publish an approved APK to the Clover App Market.
- Add an approved APK to a release group.
To access and use the App Releases page for your app, you require the following permissions:
- MANAGE_APPS to update the supported devices for the app.
- MANAGE_APKS to upload an APK and work with existing APKs.
1. Upload an APK
For detailed information on how to upload and submit an APK on the App Releases page, see:
2. View information for uploaded APKs
You can view APK-related information and APK release status and perform additional actions on the APK based on its status.
Log in to the Developer Dashboard.
From the left navigation menu, click Your Apps > App name > App Releases. The App Name - App Release page appears.
App Release page
Review the information for the APK:
Field Description Android package name Package name for your Android app. Latest version Most recently uploaded version of your APK. Published version Most recent version that you published to the Clover App Market. After you have published an APK, you can:
- Make updates and submit the updated version for approval.
- Select the Set as distribution default option to instantly distribute the APK to all merchants not already in the release group.Note the following:
- You cannot unpublish this APK until you set a different APK as default.
- A published new APK is available to all merchants, even if it's part of a release group.Supported devices List of Clover devices supported by the app. Click the edit icon to set or update supported devices on the App Settings page. -
Review the information in the Releases table:
Field Description Version Version number of the uploaded APK. Uploaded Date/Time Date and time of uploading the APK. Status After you submit your app for approval, this status in the column updates to the current approval status of your APK. Release Group After your APK is approved, you can set up release groups to group merchants for different subscription tiers, stagger rollouts, app pilot programs, or A/B testing features across two or more groups of merchants. Installs Number of merchant accounts that have the APK installed on their Clover devices. Actions Click the ellipsis icon to view a submenu. Download your APK and also add or edit release notes for the APK version. Based on the APK status, you can perform additional actions.
3. Add approved APK to a release group
For your approved APK, you can:
- Create a merchant release group on the sandbox Developer Dashboard.
- Add approved APKs to the release group. This lets you test your app with a small group of merchants before publishing it on the Clover App Market. When an APK is published, it becomes the default version, which is available to all merchants. See Work with APKs.
- Keep track of the APK version. When a new APK is published, it becomes available to all merchants, even if it's part of a release group.
- Monitor changes in your APK. If your APK has changes that can cause install issues with certain merchants, Clover recommends that you privately send the link to a group of merchants who can test your app for you. After confirming that your app is running as expected, add the APK for a group of merchants using release groups. Publish your app only after you're certain the APK has no issues.
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Updated 2 months ago