View billing status

United States

Clover generates charges based on the merchant's app usage. On the Billing Dashboard, go to Billing > Transactions page to track these charges. You can view the charge status in the Status column on the billing dashboard. For further details, click the status to see the charge summary, including sub-statuses.

Example: When you click a transaction with On Hold status, the reason for the hold is mentioned just below On hold. It can be due to a refund being overdue, a collection failure, or a deposit failure.

CanceledCancelled, Refund Canceled, Refund Reversed, Reversed, Uncollectible, Unknown, Waived
On holdCollection Failed, Deposit Failed, Overdue, Refund Overdue
RefundProcessing Refund, Refund, Refund Scheduled, Refunded
FailedRefund Failed
BilledRequested, Resubmitted, Upcoming Invoice
CanceledDeveloper canceled the charge before the merchant was billed.
CollectedClover successfully collected payment from the merchant.
Collection failedClover failed to collect from the merchant.
Deposit FailedClover failed to deposit the payment to the developer's bank account.
DepositedClover successfully deposited the payment to the developer's bank account.
OverdueCharge will be submitted when the merchant's account is returned to good standing.
Processing RefundCharge came from a subscription downgrade and is submitted to the merchant's bank account for a refund.
Refund CanceledDeveloper canceled the refund before the merchant was refunded.
Refund FailedCharge refund is rejected by the merchant's bank. The merchant needs to contact the Clover Customer Support team to update the account information.
Refund OverdueCharge came from a subscription downgrade and will be submitted to the merchant's bank account for refund when the merchant's account is returned to good standing.
Refund ReversedCharge is reversed and may be reapplied or waived.
Refund ScheduledCharge came from a subscription downgrade, and will be submitted for refund at the end of the month.
RefundedMerchant successfully received the refund.
RequestedMerchant has been charged. Your funds will be disbursed soon.
ResubmittedCharge is resubmitted to the merchant's bank account for debiting.
ReversedCharge is reversed and may be reapplied or waived.
UncollectibleCharge is written off and will no longer be attempted to be collected.
UnknownStatus of the charge is unknown.
Upcoming InvoiceCharge is submitted to the merchant's bank account for debiting.
WaivedCharge is waived and will not be submitted to the merchant's bank account.