Use app ratings and reviews
After you publish an app on the Clover App Market, the Ratings and Reviews page is available from the left navigation menu. You can share your app link with the merchants and request for ratings and reviews. The app rating and review data is available on the Ratings and Reviews page, and from here you can see the total number of ratings, and average ratings.
Understand weighted average for app rating algorithm
Clover recently updated the rating algorithm to use a weighted average instead of a simple average. The weighted average (WR) is useful to help counterbalance low review counts. For example, previously apps with a small number of reviews may have ranked higher than apps with a lot of good reviews. Clover is now using the Bayesian average. With this new calculation, an app’s average rating is adjusted to indicate a more appropriate rating when compared to other apps.
The equation modulates the average by adding invisible ratings that match the average for all apps on the App Market, also known as the App Market average. For sparsely-rated apps, the farther an app’s rating deviates from the App Market average, the calculation impact is higher on the app’s rating.
Example: Weighted average calculation using the Bayesian equation
Weighter Rating (WR) = (vr+sc)/(v+s)
v = number of votes (app reviews)
r = rating mean (average) for the app
s = smoothing constant (voting threshold)
c = App Market rating mean (average)
Example: Your app has:
- 159 reviews (v)
- Average rating of 5 (r).
- Let’s assume the minimum reviews required to be listed in the Top Rated apps is 10, and the mean rating (c) across app market is 3.4.
The updated rating for your app will be:
(vr+sc)/(v+s) = (795+341)/(59+10)
WR = 4.90532544379
To learn more about the weighted average calculation and how it might impact your app's ratings, see our blog, Your Clover App Market Rating May Have Changed…Here’s Why
Manage your app ratings and reviews
For each rating and review, you can perform the following actions:
- Report Review—Report a review to Clover, which is then audited against the Clover App Market Ratings & Reviews Policy.
- Reply to Review—Reply to a merchant review. Your response is shared with the merchant. You can edit or delete your published responses to merchant reviews.
Learn more about app ratings and reviews
- Clover App Market Ratings & Reviews Policy
- [Video] Requesting Clover Merchant Reviews
Updated over 1 year ago