HTTP Status and Error codes

North America—United States and Canada

For test cards, see Test card numbers.

HTTP Status Code Summary

Code numberDescription
400Bad Request
402Request Failed
404Not Found
429Too Many Requests
500, 502, 503, 504Server Errors

Error codes from Clover Payment APIs

CodeDescriptionRequest typeMessage to buyer
amount_too_largeThe amount provided exceeds the amount allowed by Clover ($999, 999.99).Create charge and pay for order.Transaction cannot be processed, please contact the merchant.
card_declinedThe source provided was declined by the payment gateway.Create charge and pay for order.Transaction declined, please use a different card.
card_on_file_missingThe customer attempting to pay does not have a source on file to complete the payment.ChargeTransaction failed, incorrect card data.
charge_already_capturedThe charge provided has already been captured.Capture chargeTransaction has already been captured.
charge_already_refundedThe charge provided has already been refunded.RefundTransaction has already been refunded.
email_invalidThe email provided is not valid.Create charge, create, or update customer, pay for order.Email ID is invalid, enter valid email ID and retry.
expired_cardThe expiration date (the combination of card.exp_month and card.exp_year) provided is in the past.TokenCard expired, enter valid card number and retry.
incorrect_cvcThe card.cvv provided is not a three- or four-digit value.TokenCVV value is incorrect, enter correct CVV value and retry.
incorrect_numberThe value provided in card.number is not valid.TokenCard number is invalid, enter valid card number and retry.
invalid_card_typeThe card.brand provided is not a recognized value.TokenCard brand is invalid or not supported, please use valid card and retry.
invalid_charge_amountThe amount provided exceeds the amount allowed by Clover.ChargeInvalid transaction amount, please contact merchant.
invalid_requestThe value provided in card.number is not a valid raw or encrypted PAN.TokenCard is invalid, please retry with a new card.
invalid_tip_amountThe tip_amount provided is not a valid amount.Create charge and pay for order.Invalid tip amount, please correct and retry.
invalid_tax_amountThe tax_amount provided is not a valid amount.Create chargeIncorrect tax amount, please correct and retry.
MissingThe token request failed upstream, and the upstream message could not be processed.TokenUnable to process transaction.
order_already_paidThe order identified by the ID in the request URL has already been paid.Pay orderOrder already paid.
processing_errorA generic error indicating that the request could not be processed as submitted.AnyTransaction could not be processed.
rate_limitYour application made too many requests and additional requests will not be processed until the rate limit expires.AnyTransaction could not be processed, please contact the merchant.
resource_missingThe data item (charge, order, or refund) provided in the request does not exist.AnyTransaction could not be processed due to incorrect or invalid data.
token_already_usedThe source value is not a multi-pay token and was already used for a different payment.ChargeTransaction could not be processed, please re-enter card details and retry.