Create a gift card token

United States

A gift card is a prepaid payment card used to make purchases at participating restaurants, stores, or online retailers. A gift card can have different denominations. You can redeem the value of these cards for services, merchandise, or even cash, depending on the terms and conditions set by the card issuer.


To process secure gift card payments, you need one of the following:

  • Native gift card with a SCV (security code value). Clover Gift Card uses the integrated gift card solution payment gateway from Fiserv.
  • Non-native gift card with an FCA (foreign access code). This is a non-Fiserv gift card or a gift card that does not use the Fiserv payment gateway.


  1. Generate an Ecommerce API key or apiAccessKey.
  2. Send a POST request to the /v1/tokens endpoint. See Create a gift card token.
  3. Enter information in the required fields.
card_numberGift card number.
Length: One of the following: 6-digit, 13-digit, 16-digit, or 19-digit
security_codeEncrypted security code associated with the gift card.
Length: 4-8 characters
foreign_access_codeForeign access code for merchants converting to CLGC (closed loop gift card) from an external gift card program, if applicable.Required in case of non-Fiserv gift cards
apikeyUniversally unique identifier (ID) of the API.
Public API key associated with the specific merchant and developer app.

A single-use gift card token is returned in the response. The token is alphanumeric and begins with clv_. Example: clv_1TSTSECWntExtCdPXnbFjkgN

  1. Use the gift card token for a single transaction to:

Request example

curl --request POST \
     --url '' \
     --header 'apikey: xxx' 
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
  "gift_card": {
    "card_number": "98765441066",
    "security_code": "785577",
    "foreign_access_code": "67755"

Response example

    "id": "clv_1TSTSECWntExtCdPXnbFjkgN",  
    "object": "token",  
    "giftCard": {  
        "last4": "1066"  