Locate the merchant identifier (merchantId)

North America—United States and Canada

Clover assigns a universally unique identifier (UUID) known as the merchantId to every merchant business. You can search for and view merchantId in both the sandbox and production environments.

To locate the merchantId:

  1. Log in to the Developer Dashboard.
  2. From the Developer Account drop-down list, select a merchant name under Businesses. The Merchant Dashboard for the selected merchant appears.
  3. From the left navigation menu, click Account & Setup. The Account & Setup page appears.
  4. In the About Your Business section, click Merchants.

The User Settings page displays the merchantId for the selected merchant. The merchantId is the 13-alphanumeric identifier below the merchant name in the Merchant column.

  1. To view another merchantId, enter search criteria in the Search merchants by name, ID, city field, and click Search. The merchant information displays in the search results grid.