Manage app settings
You can use the following information to set up a new app or edit the settings of an existing app. On the App Settings page, you can view and configure settings and permissions that your app requires to access Clover merchant data.
Access settings for your app
- Log in to the Global Developer Dashboard.
- Click the Sandbox toggle icon to go to either the sandbox or the production environment.
- Do one of the following:
- Click Create new app and complete the initial setup.
- In the My Apps section, click an app.
The App name - App Settings page displays the following:
- App ID and App Secret—Alphanumeric values that uniquely identify your app on the Clover platform. Required for you to make authorized and authenticated requests to Clover merchant data. Use the values as follows:
App type | Generate an API token |
Web apps | Use the app ID and secret in the Clover OAuth flow to retrieve an API token for permissions granted by a Clover merchant. The API token lets you access merchant data. |
Android apps | Use the app ID and secret to generate an API token. The API token can help you query web services using the Clover Android SDK. |
- Information from initial or prior app setup, such as App Type or Requested Permissions.
- RAID, in the case of a semi-integrated app.

Global Developer Dashboard—App Settings page
Review or update app settings
After you access the app settings page, you can review or edit information in the fields.
1. Select App Type
App Type indicates whether you are building an Android app, web app, or a semi-integration with Clover devices. You can build:
- Clover App Market public app designed to enhance the functionality of Clover's point-of-sale (POS) systems.
- Semi-integration app with a Clover device, where a third-party point of sale (POS) system uses Clover for processing payments.
- Clover Go app.
You can select multiple app types based on the solution you are building for Clover merchant:
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Click App Type. The App Type page appears.

Global Developer Dashboard—App Type page
Select an app type:
App type Description Android app Select Clover devices only if you want your Android app to run on the Clover device. After you click Save, the App Settings page displays the Android APKs field. Use the field to upload and manage your Android APKs. For more information, see Manage Android app releases. Web app In the REST Clients section, click Web. After you click Save, the REST Configuration field displays on the App Settings page. See Edit REST configurations. Semi-integrated app For the option - Is this app an integration of an existing point of sale? option - select Yes. After you click Save, the App Settings—App Type section displays a Remote App ID (RAID) that uniquely identifies your semi-integrated app. For more information, see Create your Remote App ID.
2. Edit Requested Permissions
Define the app permissions for customers, employees, merchants, inventory, orders, payments, and ecommerce. If you change app permissions after a merchant (including your test merchant) downloads your app, the new permissions don't take effect until the merchant uninstalls and reinstalls the app. For more information on app permissions, see Set app permissions.
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Click Requested Permissions. The Edit Requested Permission page appears.

Requested Permissions page
- Review or edit information on the page.
Note: If you select the Enable online payments checkbox in the Ecommerce section, the Ecommerce Settings section displays on the App Settings page. See Enable online payments for Ecommerce. - Click Save to save any edits.
3. Edit REST configurations
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Select Web app on the App Type page. The REST Configuration displays on the App Settings page.
- Click REST Configuration. The Edit REST Configuration page appears.

REST Configuration page
- Enter information in the fields:
Field | Description |
Site URL field | Link where a merchant is redirected after they install your app and launch it from the Merchant Dashboard. Example: Link (URL) of your web app homepage. |
Alternate Launch Path (optional) | Link your merchant is redirected to after they install and launch the app from the Merchant Dashboard. This URL uses the expiring authentication tokens to authenticate with APIs. |
CORS Domain (optional) | If you are integrating with Cloud Pay Display, enter a domain link (URL). When you set a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domain URL, your web app can make calls to the Clover REST API without requiring an intermediate app server. For more information, see Set app URL and CORS. |
Default OAuth Response field | Select an option: - Code: Default. When your test merchant is authorized through OAuth 2.0, you receive an authorization code. This code is required for you to request an API token for your app permissions. - Token: When your test merchant is authorized, you directly receive an API token for your app permissions. See Generate an API token |
- Click Example OAuth Request to view a sample OAuth request and response in your browser address bar. Both the request and response is based on the Site URL value.
- Click Save. The updated values display on the App Settings page.
4. Enable online payments for Ecommerce (card-not-present) transactions
Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
Click Requested Permissions. The Edit Requested Permission page appears.
In the Ecommerce section, select the Enable online payments checkbox. The Ecommerce Settings section displays on the App Settings page.
Clover Developer Dashboard—Ecommerce Settings
Click Ecommerce Settings. The Edit Ecommerce Setting page appears.

Clover Developer Dashboard—Edit Ecommerce settings page
Select an option:
Option Description API Connect a merchant's ecommerce platform or app to Clover services using ecommerce API-only integration. Hosted iFrame Use the Clover-hosted iframe to integrate secure payment features on your website. See Clover iframe integrations overview.
When you use the hosted iframe, the Use reCAPTCHA for all transactions made through the iFrame embedded page appears. reCAPTCHA test blocks automated software attacks and prevents transaction spamming. Clover requires all hosted iframe pages to be protected by reCAPTCHA and recommends turning on the reCAPTCHA setting. You can also integrate your own reCAPTCHA test. See Clover Ecommerce vs. Bots: reCAPTCHA Your Website to learn more about implementing CAPTCHA as a security feature in your Ecommerce integration.
Enable ApplePay on iframe:
If you integrate Apple Pay with your iframe, see Apple Pay for Clover-hosted iframe integration.Hosted Checkout Take payments on the merchant website with Clover. See Clover hosted checkout integration. -
Click Save. The selected integration type displays on the App Settings page.
5. Upload Android APK
When you create or manage your app, you can upload and manage Android Package Kits (APK) versions for your Android apps. After uploading your approved APK, you can use a merchant release group for different subscription tiers, stagger rollouts, app pilot programs, or A/B testing features across two or more groups of merchants.
Before you begin, review the information on how to upload and submit an APK on the App Releases page, see:
To choose and upload an APK:
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Click Android APK. The New Public Release page appears.

Global Developer Dashboard—New Public Release page
- Click Choose APK.
- Browse to the APK file you want to upload and click Open. The name of the uploaded APK and the Release Notes field display on the page.
- In the Release Notes field, enter release notes for your uploaded APK. Release notes help Clover merchants learn about new features and updates in a new version of your Android app.
- Click Upload. The Releases table on the App Releases page provides information about the uploaded APK.
6. Use Webhooks
Webhooks allow your app to receive notifications when merchants who have installed your app perform certain actions. For example, if a merchant has granted you READ_INVENTORY permission and changes their inventory, you'll receive a POST request to the specified for updating the inventory.
You need to configure a callback link (URL) to receive notifications. Clover supports only HTTPS-enabled callbacks. The response to the server's request from your URL needs to be a 200 OK code. To configure a callback URL:
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Click Webhooks. The Edit Webhooks page appears.

Global Developer Dashboard—Edit Webhooks
- Configure a callback link (URL) to receive notifications. See Use webhooks.
7. Set Merchant Availability
Each Clover merchant subscribes to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) plan that meets their business needs. These SaaS plans provide merchants with access to specific modules or categories of functionality available in each merchant SaaS plan on the Clover platform.
Clover recommends that you use the Merchant Availability setting to select only the modules that apply to your app. Before you begin, review the information on merchant service plan tiers and modules. See Set modules for merchant plans.
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Click Merchant Availability. The Edit Merchant Availability page displays plans and corresponding modules based on the region in which your app is available.

Global Developer Dashboard—Edit Merchant Availability
- For a merchant service plan, select the checkbox for the modules you want to make available to your merchants.
- Click Save. The selected modules are available for your app to test with your test merchants.
8. Set Receipt Customizations
Smart receipts allow you to add information to Clover paper and web receipts for the customer. It is an easy way to encourage customer interaction and add value to the receipt.
It may take up to 10 hours for smart receipt changes to sync to merchant devices.
- Complete the steps to access settings for your app.
- Click Receipt Customizations. The Edit Receipt Customizations page appears.

Global Developer Dashboard—Edit Receipt Customizations
- Click Add Country. The country and language details display based on your app region.
Note: Smart Receipt Text and Smart Receipt URL fields are also displayed on the page. - In the Smart Receipt Text field, enter text to display at the bottom of receipts.
- In the Smart Receipt URL field, enter the URL (link) that displays QR codes on paper and web receipts. The URL can redirect to third-party websites.
- If needed, add smart receipt information for other countries where you can build and publish apps on the Clover App Market.
- Click Save. Your receipt customizations appear on the App name - App Settings page.
Smart receipt display
On the smart receipt, Clover includes the following parameters in the URL you provide:
- merchant IDo
- order IDp
- payment IDc
- receipt context (p indicates a paper receipt, indicates an iframe in a web receipt)
Paper receipts display
On a paper receipt, smart receipt information displays after the regular receipt content. The name of your application displays at the bottom followed by a horizontal line. If you provide a URL, it is embedded as a QR code to the left of any smart receipt text.

Receipt image
The URL format for the QR code is:
Web receipts display
On a web receipt, the name of your application displays after the receipt details. An iframe element contains the content associated with the Smart Receipt URL you provide. The URL format for the iframe is:
The iframe alt
attribute value is the smart receipt text.
If you do not provide a URL, no smart receipt iframe displays on web receipts.
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Updated about 1 month ago