What's new: 2023

November 2023

2023 Clover Code Freeze

North America—United States and Canada

Our annual code freeze is scheduled from Nov 17, 2022 - Jan 3, 2023. During this festive period, no new code is deployed on our platform in order to protect merchants from disruptions in their processes during a busy and stressful period. This freeze also extends to third-party apps built with our APIs and SDKs.

See 2023 Clover code freeze announcement for more details.


New rule added to fraud prevention tools

North America—United States and Canada

Merchants can now set a maximum limit to the transactions allowed per IP in a day. This is in addition to the option where merchants could already set a maximum limit of the transactions allowed per card in a day. These rules apply to all ecommerce transactions. Transactions attempted above the configured threshold fail, and a message appears at the bottom of the screen.

The default setting for the auto decline is set at 5 (five) transactions per day per card or IP address. Merchants can edit these rules to update the number of transactions. They cannot delete the default rules but can create additional rules applicable to their businesses.

Fraud rules

Transaction Limits—Fraud rules

October 2023

Ecommerce API

North America—United States and Canada

Added split_shipment field in capture charge API

The split–shipment field on the Ecommerce API: Capture a charge endpoint supports the Multi-Capture feature. This feature allows merchants to split any payment into several captures initiated from a single authorization within a specified time frame. Split shipment usually occurs when a single purchase results in multiple shipments.

  • Reduces customer wait time by immediately shipping in-stock items.
  • Facilitates payment to merchants as items or services are delivered.

To use the split-shipment feature, merchants need to contact the merchant help desk to get access to the multi-capture setting on the Merchant dashboard. Once the support team provides access, merchants can enable or disable this feature from the Merchant Web Dashboard > Account & Setup > Ecommerce Payments > Multi-Capture.

See Capture charge for split shipment for details.

Updated the Ecommerce APIs to support partial refund and partial order return

The Ecommerce APIs let your merchants execute a partial refund for a simple sale or return one or more items from the order with multiple line items.

Added global currency support for API transactions

Clover offers Multi-Currency Pricing (MCP) by allowing local currency codes in the currency field. The United States and Canadian merchants can accept payments and submit refunds in regional currencies with settlement currency as United States dollars (USD).

Once the customer completes the transaction in their regional currency, Clover uses the current exchange rate at the time of authorization to estimate the paid amount in USD. This amount displays in the merchant's closeout report. See Create a charge.

Developer platform

Launched the global developer platform

North America—US and Canada
Global Developer Dashboard

Clover launched the global developer platform for developers creating integrations—app-based and semi-integration—for the North America region. You need to create just one account to access sandbox and production environments. You can switch between your production and sandbox environments with one click.

Clover global developer home page

Clover global developer home page

See Clover global developer platform FAQs.
Note: No action is required for existing developer accounts until we migrate your account to the new global developer platform. You can continue using your account as usual.

App Market

Updated app recommendations logic

North America—United States and Canada

We updated the app recommendation algorithms to recommend more personalized and engaging apps to the merchants on the Clover App Market dashboard. The dashboard now displays the apps based on interactions with similar merchants, download trends, and so on.

Point of sale (POS)

Updated the Atomic Order API to improve discounting

North America—United States and Canada

Reduced the required information when applying a discount using Atomic Order API. This update improves the discount application process and eliminates the chances of device crashing and discounting without any name. See Manage orders data for more information on using Atomic APIs.

Developer documentation

Added topic on managing merchant service plans

United States
Latin America

The Test an app with different merchant service plans topic provides information on why you must test your app on different merchant service plans and associated modules. It also provides information on changing the service plans for merchants on the Test Merchants page in sandbox.

August 2023

Developer platform

United States

Introduced the Test Merchants Dashboard in the sandbox environment

The Test Merchants Dashboard is available in the sandbox environment. On the Test Merchants Dashboard, you can create test merchants, manage dashboard login credentials, navigate between test merchant accounts, and manage account settings.

See Use Test Merchants Dashboard in sandbox for more information.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) mandate

United States

Two-factor (2FA) authentication is mandatory for all users to access the Clover production Developer Dashboard across North America (NA) and Europe. You can set up 2FA when logging in or setting up your developer account.

See Set up two-factor authentication (2FA).


North America—United States and Canada

Added HIPAA support for ecommerce payments

Clover supports ​​the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for ecommerce payments. This allows the HIPPA-compliant healthcare merchants to:

Removed amount limit from Clover-hosted checkout

This update allows merchants to process payments with higher transaction limits using the Clover Hosted Checkout.


Updated the merchant demo accounts creation process


While creating a demo merchant account, the Payment Processor is automatically set to Blackhole Processor. This allows you to demonstrate and troubleshoot Clover devices and test your apps without processing payment transactions.

July 2023

Developer platform

Updated the employees microservice APIs

United States

We have updated the employees microservice API, which includes two additional employee fields—wage rate and phone number. The time to create employee management accounts with third-party partners is reduced by pre-populating information already created in Clover.

Updated the developer account ownership transfer process

United States
Latin America

Clover now allows developer account owners to transfer the ownership to an active admin user. Additionally, active admins can request ownership from the current account owner. See Transfer developer account ownership.


Launched Kitchen Display System

North America—United States and Canada

Clover launched the Kitchen Display System (KDS) in Canada. KDS offers an end-to-end, on-premise, and off-premise order management solution that delivers streamlined operations for a seamless diner experience.

Developer documentation

Added region and environment icons to release notes

Notice anything new on the release notes page? We added green and blue icons as visual indicators for the applicable regions and environment—sandbox or production—for a feature update or bug fix.

Environment and region icons in developer documentation topics

Environment and region icons in developer documentation topics

June 2023

Upgraded Clover Go v4.4

North America—United States and Canada

The Clover Go v4.4 version, which is compatible with devices running on iOS13 or Android 7.1 or above, includes:

  • Enhancements to optimize existing functions.
  • New features to make Clover Go a full-featured invoicing product.

The Clover Go v4.4 features that address feedback from merchants upgrading from Clover Go G1 app include the following:

  • Create and send invoices with just an amount (no items)—United States (US) and Canada (CA)
  • Track and manage invoicing using Webview—US and CA
  • Add customer to order and/or invoice—US and CA
  • Change service plan in the app—All regions
  • Prompt for refund reasons—US

May 2023

Developer Dashboard

Added feature for bank account update

North America—United States and Canada

You can add and update bank account details directly from the Developer Dashboard. Account owners and other authorized users need to complete the two-factor authentication (2FA) process to access the Account Info—Bank Details section under Developer Settings. Once the 2FA process is complete, you can add or update the linked bank account details.

You no longer need to email the Developer Relations team for bank account updates. See Add or update bank account information for more details.

April 2023

Developer Dashboard

Developer billing—Support for refunds

North America—United States and Canada

You can now issue a refund for transactions that are not disbursed or canceled, are billed in the current month, and to which no other refunds have been applied.

Similarly, you can cancel refunds for transactions in Refund status.

Developer documentation

Added Region icons to topics

Clover is expanding into International markets and regions across North America, Europe, and Latin America. We are adding region icons in the topic pages on our Developer Docs portal (docs.clover.com) for easy visual reference. Use the green Regions icon at the top of each topic page to identify if a topic is relevant for your region.

For more information, see Region-specific features and limitations.


Removed signature as a required cardholder verification method

United States
Latin America

For Clover merchants in the US, Canada, and Argentina, signature verification is no longer required as a cardholder verification method (CVM). Clover merchants can still take payments with a cardholder’s signature; however, verifying or rejecting the signature is not required to complete the payment flow. In the improved payment flow:

  • Verify or reject signature screen is replaced with a signature screen that does not require merchant action.
  • CVM in receipts displays Signature instead of Signature Verified.
Current payment responsecvmResult="Signature Verified"Customer signs and the merchant verifies the signature.
New payment responsecvmResult="Signature"Customer signs and the merchant is not required to verify the signature.

Recommendation for developers

If your app depends on signature verification, you should change your app’s code to remove or change the dependency.

Read more on our blog: Clover Semi-Integration Signature Verification: No More Waiting on Your Payment Flow.


United States
Latin America

Added webhook messages for changes to inventory modifiers, inventory modifier groups, and inventory categories. Inventory read permission is required for these webhooks. For more information, see Use webhooks.


Added reCAPTCHA to hosted checkout flow

United States
Latin America

Our hosted checkout flow now includes reCAPTCHA to better combat fraud on card-not-present transactions. You do not need to make any changes in the implementation to make this feature available to the merchants.
However, if you are using iFrame or REST API for ecommerce integrations, implement your own form of CAPTCHA to help combat fraud attempts.

Recommendation for developers

Advise your merchants to turn this feature on in the Merchant Dashboard under Account & Setup > Ecommerce > Hosted Checkout > ReCAPTCHA.

March 2023

Billing Developer Dashboard

North America—United States and Canada

Enhanced search features

  • Search by Merchant Name, Merchant ID and Charge ID. We have introduced an incremental search functionality that starts populating the most relevant results as soon as you enter the fourth character in the search field. This includes special characters and spaces.
    Example: If you are searching for the merchant name - Web QA Developer - as soon as you enter Web , a list of names starting with Web QA display in the search results.
  • Use the Add filter button allows you to filter search results by Apps, Charge Type and Status. You can also select options in the Apps, Charge Type and/or Status drop-down menus. You can reset the filter anytime.

Updated Billing - Transactions homepage and billing transaction reports

  • Use the Export button to download transaction reports for the past 3 months with just a click. Last 30 Days is the default date range, which you can update the calendar icon.

  • Use the drop-down menu to update the default currency from USD to GBG, EUR, or CAD.

  • View Billed, Collected, Refunded and Canceled transactions for the selected date range in the transactions list

Updated billing status display

On the Billing - Transactions page, the Status column in the search results now displays only 7 revised billing status. This provides clarity to the Status column view.

See Billing status for more details.

Added slide-out panel on the Billing - Transactions page

You can click the transaction to view the details of each transaction in a slide-out panel on the Billing - Transactions page. Example: When you click a transaction with On Hold status, the reason for hold is displayed in a slide-out panel.
The slide-out panel displays a deeper insight into your transaction details including transaction status details, charge summary, and charge history.

Slide-out panel


Added Void of Refund (VoR) to Refund API

North America—United States and Canada

Added backward compatibility to the Refund API for Void of Refund (VoR) for Payments Plus merchants on the Transactions app. When a merchant mistakenly issues a refund, VoR allows merchants to void erroneous refunds for up to 25 minutes after the transaction time. Once a refund can no longer be voided, the VOID link does not display. This feature provides transparency into voids versus refunds, including potential merchant payment processing costs, since voids generally are at no cost.

February 2023


Initiated review process for app subscription tiers

North America—United States and Canada

The Clover team needs to review your plan modification requests if you are switching to a lower priced tiers subscription model. This review process to approve or reject the new subscription tier ensures compliance with the Clover App Market pricing policies and also prevents billing outside Clover.


Added split tender capability to the Ecommerce Order API

North America—United States and Canada

Split tender enables you to add Amount and Currency Code fields in the Ecommerce Order API to define a specified amount towards a payment. This offers flexibility to merchants and customers in the United States (US) and Canada region to pay for an order with multiple payment methods. The Order API response displays the Partial Approval indicator and Approved Amount.

January 2023

Integrated payments

North America—United States and Canada

Cardholder name and card brand added to the tokenization response

You can access the customer and card data details by using insert/tap on the device. This can be used for managing card(s)-on-file.

Closeout for Android Payments API

You can manage Closeout within your app on Clover devices without requiring merchants to use Clover’s closeout app.

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