iOS—OAuth on mobile
The Clover app associates the merchant with the mobile app and provides authorization from Clover to operate your app on Clover systems. The Clover app is installed on the merchant’s device. The Clover app’s ID and Secret are provided to the mobile app. The merchant authorizes their employees, the Clover app, and your mobile app.
The site URL is validated against a redirect URI provided by your mobile app during OAuth. The redirect URI must have the same base as the site URL configured for your Clover app. The site URL is configured in the Clover app. The redirect URI is configured in the mobile app.
Clover supports the following OAuth method for your mobile app:
OAuth method sample
public class CloverPaymentSDK
/// Initialize the Clover Payment SDK
/// - Throws: A ``CloverGenericError`` in the event of an issue during setup
/// - Parameters:
/// - configuration: Provide the necessary ``Configuration`` parameters used to communicate with Clover.
public func setup(configuration: Configuration) async throws
/// Provides configuration parameters to the SDK, specifying how to communicate with Clover's servers
public struct Configuration {
/// The server environment that we will send all server calls to.
public let environment: CloverEnvironment.EnvironmentType
/// App ID registered on your Clover Developer Portal, used by the OAuth Flow to match permissions to your app when your merchant logs in.
public let appID:String
/// App Secret obtained from your Clover Developer Portal. This is the secret associated with your App ID.
public let appSecret:String
/// API Key for server access. Contact your Developer Relations representative for a valid Key and Secret.
public let apiKey: String
/// API Secret for server access. Contact your Developer Relations representative for a valid Key and Secret.
public let apiSecret: String
/// Specifier for how the SDK should handle OAuth within your application.
/// Provide a FullOAuth object to enable the SDK to provide login capabilities automatically.
/// Provide a PartialOAuth object to enable the SDK to only maintain the OAuthToken that you have aquired outside of the SDK.
public var oauthFlowType : OAuthFlowType
/// Specifies that the SDK should provide full OAuth login capabilities for your application.
/// If specified, when needed the SDK will kick out to the default browser for user authentication, and return via the redirectURI.
public struct FullOAuth : OAuthFlowType {
/// The redirectURI to provide to the OAuth server. This URI will be called containing the code or token after the user logs in.
/// - Precondition: The redirectURI must be configured in your app using either Associated Domains or Custom URL Scheme.
/// - Precondition: The redirectURI must be entered into your associated Clover App on Developer Home
public var redirectURI : String
/// Specifies that the SDK should provide partial OAuth login capabilities for your application.
/// If specified, the SDK will not attempt to authenticate the user, and instead expects that the host app will provide the authentication mechanism. The SDK will provide refresh capabilities.
/// - Remark: `codeResponse` is optional, and should only be provided if you received a new code response. The eventual token will be stored securely by the SDK between instances.
public struct PartialOAuth : OAuthFlowType {
/// The response you received from the OAuth flow implemented in your app.
/// - Remark: This value is optional, and should only be provided if you received a new code response. The eventual token will be stored securely by the SDK between instances.
public var codeResponse : OAuthCodeResponse?
/// Specifies that the SDK should provide no OAuth login capabilities for your application.
/// If specified, the SDK will rely on the passed in token, and will not attempt any OAuth or token refresh operations.
public struct NoOAuth : OAuthFlowType {
/// The token used to communicate with Clover servers, obtained via the OAuth flow in your application
public var token : String
/// True if we have valid OAuth credentials, signifying the User is logged in
public var isLoggedIn:Bool
/// Deletes the OAuth credentials and triggers an onTokenChangeCallback
public func logout()
/// The onTokenChangeCallbacks will be executed whenever a token changes (new token, refreshed token, deleted token, invalidated token)
/// - Parameter callback: The callback to execute when the token changes
/// - Returns: A unique identifier to be used for removing a callback when no longer needed.
public func addOnTokenChangeCallback(_ callback:@escaping ()->()) -> String
/// Removes an onTokenChangeCallback from the call list
/// - Parameter identifier: The unique identifier returned when adding the callback to the call list
/// - Returns: True if the passed in identifier was found to be associated with a callback in the call list, and therefore the callback was removed from the call list
public func removeOnTokenChangeCallback(identifier:String) -> Bool
/// Updates the token to use when utilizing the NoOAuth flow. Note, this will trigger a re-download of merchant information, as the token must be verified to belong to the merchant in use prior to being used for payments.
public func updateToken(_ token: String) async throws
Recommendation for developers
When your app launches, it loads any stored tokens from Keychain. If a token is found, the SDK initializes. If no token is found, the app will redirect users to the default web browser for login. Upon successful authentication, the app reopens and passes the code to the SDK. The SDK exchanges the code for a token, stores it securely in Keychain, and completes initialization.
See the iOS—Clover Go quick SDK start guide OAuth section for OAuth implementation instructions.
Updated 7 days ago