Generate OAuth expiring (access and refresh) token

Prerequisites and steps for generating an access_token and refresh_token pair using the v2/OAuth flow

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

All Ecommerce API endpoints require an OAuth-generated access_token with specific permissions. The v2/OAuth flow is used for new apps created for Clover merchants in North America—United States and Canada. This flow generates expiring tokens, which include an access_token and refresh_token pair.



If your app is using the legacy v1/OAuth flow and has not yet migrated to generate expiring tokens, see Generate OAuth API token with the legacy v1/OAuth flow.

Before you begin

See the OAuth terminology section to understand the key terms.


Before you can get an OAuth API token, you need to complete the following:

  1. Create a global developer account.

  2. Manage test merchant accounts and information.

  3. Create your app in the sandbox environment.

  4. Configure settings and permissions that your app requires to access Clover merchant data. For more information, see Ecommerce app permissions.

  5. Required for the v2/OAuth flow—Set the Alternate Launch Path to redirect merchants to this link after they install and launch your app from the Merchant Dashboard.

    App Settings on the Developer Dashboard: Edit REST Configuration page

    App Settings on the Developer Dashboard: Edit REST Configuration page


The Clover v2/OAuth flow starts when the merchant selects your app directly from the Clover App Market or on the Merchant Dashboard > More Tools > Clover App Market page. Clover redirects the merchant to your app with the merchantId included in the redirect URL as a query parameter. From there, your app must call the /oauth/v2/authorize endpoint to initiate the OAuth flow and get an access and refresh token pair.

If a merchant accesses the app from your website instead of installing and connecting with it from the Clover App Market, your app needs to redirect the merchant to the Clover App Market page to install the app from there.

To generate an expiring access and refresh token pair:

  1. Log in to the Global Developer Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Merchant Dashboard for your test merchant.

  3. From the left navigation menu, click More Tools, and then select your app on the Clover App Market page.

  4. Click Connect to install your app for the test merchant.
    From here:

    1. For merchant authorization, Clover redirects the merchant to the location specified in the Alternate Launch Path field, and the app calls /oauth/v2/authorize with the authorization code as a query param to initiate OAuth.

    2. For token exchange, your app makes a POST request with—client_id, client_secret, and authorization_code—to /oauth/v2/token. In response, an access and refresh token pair is retrieved.

      Sample: Access and Refresh token pair

      Sample: Access and Refresh token pair

Once the authorization flow is complete, the page for your app displays the access and refresh token pair. Use this API access_token to generate an Ecommerce API key that you need to tokenize a card. See Generate an Ecommerce API key (PAKMS key).

Sandbox and production environment URLs

Clover sandbox and production environments use different URLs. The following table lists which URL to use for OAuth requests in each environment.

Request pathSandbox URLProduction URL (North America)

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