Use Clover REST API
United States
Latin America
The Clover REST API lets you query relevant information about Clover merchants, such as inventory, orders, and payments. You can build a browser-based integration that uses our REST API along with the relevant OAuth flow.
In the Clover REST API, each endpoint indicates a type of merchant information. The base URLs for building and testing your apps are different in the sandbox and production environments. Supported endpoints in the Clover REST API Reference accept query parameters in the following format:
[Endpoint URI]?field=value[,additionalValues...]&[additionalQueryStrings...]
Environment base URLs
Environment | Base URL | Description | Token type |
Sandbox environment | | Use the sandbox REST API with the Android emulator or with our Developer Kits and sandbox test merchants. | To test your app in the sandbox environment, you can generate and use merchant-specific test API tokens instead of access and refresh tokens. |
Production environment | - United States and Canada: - Europe: - Latin America: | Use a separate base URL in production for each of the Clover supported markets. | Use access and refresh tokens following the region-specific OAuth flow to secure merchant data. Note: Do not use the test merchant API tokens in the production environment. |
Key information
Here is some key information about the Clover REST API and using the API Reference to make requests:
Term | Description |
API tokens | API tokens are used to authenticate requests to Clover REST APIs. Generating an API token is a fundamental part of the OAuth flow to enable secure, controlled, and auditable access to APIs. For more information, see API tokens for test and published apps. |
HTTPS | Clover REST API is only accessible through HTTPS. |
JSON | Request and response entities are in JSON. |
OAuth | Clover uses the OAuth 2.0 security framework for third-party developers to authenticate their apps with merchant accounts and lets them use Clover public REST APIs on behalf of the merchant. Clover developers use expiring access and refresh tokens in the production environment to secure merchant data. |
Permissions | Using Clover API endpoints requires access to necessary permissions. See Platform API permissions and E-Commerce API permissions for more information. |
Required inputs | The merchant identifier merchantId and the test API token are required for you to test interactions with Clover REST API and for Android development. For more information, see Use API tokens in sandbox. |
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Updated 23 days ago