What's new: 2024

August 2024


Introduced new Ecommerce: Clover Payments plugin for Shopify Online Shop

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

Clover offers payment plugins to enable merchants to process payments through Clover on their ecommerce websites, without any need for coding. We have introduced a new Clover Payments plugin for merchants with Shopify Online Shops in the United States (US) and Canada to accept payments using Clover. This new plugin replaces the Payeezy payments plugin. For details, see the following new topics:


Added technical specifications for the Clover Flex Pocket

United States

Clover Flex Pocket, a sleek handheld device for a quick and secure payment experience, is available for merchants in the United States. The Clover devices: Technical specifications page is updated to provide information about the Clover Flex Pocket.

Added information in the Ecommerce section on generating OAuth API tokens

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

All Ecommerce API endpoints require an OAuth-generated access_token with specific permissions to secure communication between your app and the merchant. There are two methods to generate this access_token:

  • The legacy v1/OAuth flow is for apps created before August 2024 that have not migrated to use expiring authentication tokens.
  • The v2/OAuth flow is for new apps created after August 2024 to generate an expiring authentication token.

The following new topics provide detailed information about OAuth tokens:

Updated API Reference overview

United States
Latin America

Updated the API Reference overview topic with information on the integration types, developer environments, and test API tokens. Also, updated the sandbox base URLs for Platform APIs as https://apisandbox.dev.clover.com.

July 2024


Updated ICloverConnector methods for Argentina merchants

Latin America

The following two ICloverConnector methods are now supported for Argentina merchants:

  • Pre-auth with transaction method: preAuth().
  • Manual closeout with method: closeout(). All merchants are automatically closed out.

For more information, see Regional-specific features and limitations: Argentina merchants.

Added topics to the Global Developer Platform section

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

The Global Developer Platform section is updated with two new topics:

  • Create new app: Learn about the initial setup for a new app in the Global Developer Dashboard and then how to complete the app information.
  • Manage test merchant accounts and information: When you sign up to create a global developer account, a default test merchant account is automatically created for the sandbox and production environments. In this topic, review the steps to create and manage additional test merchant accounts on the Global Developer Dashboard.

Updated credit card surcharge information

North America—United States and Canada

The following topics provide information on credit card surcharging feature availability for merchants in Canada, excluding Quebec, and the United States, excluding states with legal restrictions or prohibitions:

Updated information and topic structure in existing topics

United States
Latin America
  • Clover Ecommerce basics: Added overview and information on the different integration types and tools. Also, added a procedure on how to access and use the Global Developer Dashboard and generate API tokens for various integrations.
  • Ecommerce API: Accept payments flow: Updated the payments flow procedures to generate an API token or apiAccessKey from the Public Access Key Management Service (PAKMS). The apiAccessKey is used to tokenize a card, and then the generated card token is used as a source to create a charge or pay an order.
  • Generate a merchant-specific API token: Added API tokens overview, updated the steps to generate a merchant-specific test API token, and added what you need to test apps in the sandbox and make REST API calls.
  • Manage Android app releases: Added overview, prerequisites, steps, images, and field descriptions.

June 2024

Billing and Boarding

Introduced value-added tax (VAT) compliant invoice for developers in Ireland


Clover sends invoices to developers who have apps in the Clover App Market for merchants in Europe—the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland. The invoices contain:

  • Breakdown of how the developer payout is calculated.
  • Exchange rate on currency conversions, if applicable. For example, a merchant in the United Kingdom (UK) uses an app by a developer in the United States (US). In this scenario, the merchant pays for the app in British Pounds (GBP), and the developer receives their payout in US Dollars (USD).
  • Value-added tax (VAT) information: Additionally, to comply with value-added tax (VAT) laws, invoices for developers in Ireland display details of any VAT paid out to the developers.


Updated information in the Developer Documentation portal

United States
Latin America

We have updated topics in the Developer Documentation portal with relevant information. See the following links for details:

April 2024


Upgraded Clover Go to v4.6.1

United States

Clover launched the Clover Go version 4.6.1 upgrade of devices in the sandbox and production environments. This upgrade is compatible with Android version 8 or iOS version 14. The features are available in various regions for both Android and iOS:

United States and Canada only:

  • Admin offline opt-in: Lets device admin opt for offline payment. When the device is back online, the Web Dashboard is updated.
  • Order types: Lets you select an order type through the Options menu on the device.
  • Configure payment thresholds: Lets you set a payment threshold limit for all transactions for the merchant.
  • Enable native partial refunds: Lets merchants refund a part of the amount to the cardholder account as an earlier payment.

United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Ireland: Switch primary location in-app: Let users select a location that they use the most when logging into the Clover Go app.

For more information, see March 2024 release notes: Upgraded Clover Go v4.6.

Point of sale (POS) & Reporting

Released for pilot: Multiple service charges for orders

North America—United States and Canada

Released the multiple service charge feature that lets Clover merchants add multiple types of order fees to an order, such as large dining-party automatic gratuity, special menu upsell fee, and the banquet event fee.

Clover will gradually deploy the multiple service charge (MSC) feature across the merchant base—not all merchants will have the feature enabled at once. As we do this, you can access APIs that let you see the list of service charges your merchants have configured and apply them to orders.

Important: Post-launch, developers must use the new service charge endpoints to use any service charge features. Service charges will require to be added as a new line item. See Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the MSC functionality.


New daily refund limit for unmatched refunds

North America—United States and Canada

Unmatched or unreferenced refunds are not associated with a sale or order. For enhanced security, Clover has released a feature that sets a default total cumulative daily limit on unmatched refunds for a merchant account. If the merchant exceeds the daily limit, the system declines the refunds. The merchant must contact Clover Support to upgrade the unmatched refund daily limit.

Note: Most refunds are matched or referenced (tied to a sale), and are not affected by the new daily refund limit.


Added information about the global developer platform

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

Clover launched the global developer platform for developers creating integrations—app-based and semi-integration—for the North America region. Developers in Europe and Latin America—Argentina can continue to use the developer platform with separate sandbox and production environments.

We updated the following topics for information related to the global developer platform:

Added information about PCI compliance for app developers

United States
Latin America

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) includes a wide range of security controls in the handling of card data and payment information. These controls cover aspects such as system configuration, policies, procedures, and permissions related to cardholder data. Secure software development and effective management play a crucial role in achieving PCI compliance.

The scope of PCI for developers includes minimizing data storage, secure data handling, and vulnerability protection. Clover devices run a custom version of the Android operating system (OS), so your apps need to be compatible with the OS. The PCI DSS checklist for developers can help you get started with the data security standards and resources for safe payments using your apps on Clover devices.

For more information, see Payment Card Industry security guidance for app developers.

Updated documentation for Latin America: Argentina developers

Latin America

Developers in Latin America: Argentina can note the following updates:

March 2024

Developer platform

Default activation of reCAPTCHA for e-commerce iframe integrations

North America—United States and Canada

Clover enabled the reCAPTCHA feature to mitigate card-testing attacks for your e-commerce transactions. This feature gets activated automatically when you enable the online payment option for an existing application in the developer app settings.


Developer Dashboard > Edit Requested Permissions page

See Clover Ecommerce vs. Bots: reCAPTCHA Your Website to learn more about implementing CAPTCHA as a security feature in your Ecommerce integration.

Enhanced the developer bank account add and update feature

United States
Latin America

The manage bank account self-service feature on the Developer Dashboard helps you add or update your developer bank account details with Clover. Prior to March 2024, the feature had limitations in supporting specific countries, SWIFT-based accounts, Sort code-based United Kingdom (UK) accounts, and Business Identifier Code (BIC) for international bank accounts.

With the enhanced feature, separate user interface workflows on the Developer Dashboard facilitate the process of adding and updating international bank accounts or Canadian and United States (US) bank accounts. You need to provide the following information for your bank account:

  • United States and Canada—Routing number
  • International bank accounts—SWIFT/BIC (Business Identifier Code) or IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
  • United Kingdom—Sort code

The specific code information helps identify bank accounts in different regions and facilitates secure money transfers. See Manage developer bank account information for more details.


Added quick reference guides for LATAM developers

Latin America

If you are developing apps for Argentina in the Latin America (LATAM) region, you can now download quick reference guides (QRGs) in Spanish. The QRGs provide information about the Clover sandbox, semi-integrations, and more. The following QRGs were added in the Quick reference guides for LATAM region: Argentina developers:


Upgraded Clover Go to v4.6

North America—United States and Canada

Upgraded Clover Go device to version 4.6, which is compatible with Android version 8 or iOS version 14. The features include:

Android and iOS:

  • Support 86-ing: Displays item availability with a toggle indicator
  • Modifier enhancements:
    • Add custom modifiers
    • Add multiple of the same modifier
    • Create/edit modifier group
  • Add support for Purchase card L2 data
  • Support transactions for deposit reconciliation within Clover Go (webview)
  • Display closeout settings (web view)

iOS only:

  • Add order types
  • Support configurable payment thresholds

February 2024


Added information about the global developer platform

North America

Clover launched the global developer platform for developers creating integrations — app-based and semi-integration — for the North America region. Developers in Europe and Latin America—Argentina can continue to use the developer platform with separate sandbox and production environments. We updated the following Clover environment-related topics to indicate the regions and platform-specific information:

Added information on card testing fraud on e-commerce websites

North America—United States and Canada

Added a new topic on how to protect e-commerce websites from card testing fraud. Card testing, also known as carding, account testing, and card checking, is a fraudulent activity where a fraudster uses stolen partial or full card credentials to make a small payment, such as a $1 purchase on an e-commerce website. The purchase is intended to verify if the card is active, check the card expiration date, and validate or guess the card verification value (CVV). If the small purchase is successful, the fraudster starts making larger purchases.

Understanding card testing methods and taking preventive measures are crucial for safeguarding hosted payment pages and e-commerce websites. Detecting and blocking card testing can save transaction fees, inventory, and reputation. To learn more about card testing, see Protect Ecommerce merchants from card testing fraud.

January 2024

Developer platform

reCAPTCHA for iframe integrations

North America—United States and Canada

Added the reCAPTCHA setting on the Developer Dashboard while setting the app-based iframe (Ecommerce) integrations. reCAPTCHA test blocks automated software attacks and prevents transaction spamming.

Enable or disable the reCAPTACHA settings from the Developer Dashboard: Your Apps > App Settings > Ecommerce Settings > Hosted iFrame.

Edit Ecommerce settings pop-up: Use reCAPTCHA

Edit Ecommerce settings pop-up: Use reCAPTCHA

Recommendation for developers

Clover requires all hosted iframe pages to be protected by reCAPTCHA and recommends turning on the reCAPTCHA setting. You can also integrate your own reCAPTCHA test. See Manage app settings.


Added Gift Card API for Ecommerce

United States

The Gift Card API for ecommerce supports Clover Gift Card solutions. Customers can redeem the value of gift cards for services, merchandise, or even cash, depending on the terms and conditions set by the issuer of the gift card. Gift cards are redeemable online and at point of sale (POS).

Your merchant needs to sign up for Clover Gift Cards to use the Gift Card API. See the Gift Card API tutorial for more details.


Added quick reference guides for LATAM developers

Latin America

If you are developing apps for Argentina in the Latin America (LATAM) region, you can now download quick reference guides (QRGs) in Spanish. The QRGs provide information about the Clover sandbox, semi-integrations, and more. See Quick reference guides for LATAM region: Argentina developers for a list of QRGs.

Updated the left navigation to include the global developer platform

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

Clover launched the global developer platform for developers creating integrations — app-based and semi-integration — for the North America region. We are updating Clover developer documents to include information related to the global developer platform. You can access this information from the left navigation on docs.clover.com.

Left navigation on docs.clover.comm

Left navigation on docs.clover.com

Updated the Known issues and workaround topic for the global developer platform

North America—US and Canada
Global developer platform

We have added information on how to prevent or resolve developer account lockout due to incorrect login link (URL) on the global developer platform.


Clover Android ROM quarterly release

North America—United States and Canada

We released the 2024 quarter 1 Clover Android ROM updates to the Clover sandbox environment. ROM updates contain essential bug fixes, security updates, and necessary feature additions.

See the Clover Android ROM first quarter 2024 updates announcement for more details.