Showcase apps

United States
Latin America

Apps that follow the guidelines in this topic have a greater chance of being promoted in the Clover App Market.

Sales channel policies

Clover maintains the following sales channel policies:

  • Bank channels have a policy prohibiting direct solicitation of their employees. Refrain from offering any compensation or promotional offers for referring your app(s) to direct financial institutions (FIs).
  • Do not reach out to the banks directly asking to promote your apps.
  • Clover does not provide merchant lists.

Operation and maintenance

Here are a few things you can do to promote your app:

  • Provide merchant and sales representative support in a timely manner.
  • Add new features to your roadmap based on merchant or sales feedback.
  • Know which Clover devices and service plans your app supports: Payments/Payments Plus, Essentials/Register Lite, or Register.
  • Be prepared to demo your app.
  • Prepare a handout about your app highlighting features and functionality.
  • Create a presentation deck featuring your app, and be sure to include pricing, clear screenshots, and contact information.
  • Follow Clover on Twitter, Facebook, and our developer blog. Merchants and sales reps follow and are sometimes featured.