Reverse a payment
Use the ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder
class to build an Intent to start an Activity that guides a user through the payment reversal steps. Payment reversal is processed as either a void or refund, depending on the requested amount and the time since the payment was taken.
If an amount is specified, the request must be processed as a refund. If the amount is not specified, either a void or full payment refund will be processed based on several factors including how the payment was taken, how much time had passed since the payment was taken, and what amount was being requested. The result Intent contains a field, Intents.REVERSE_PAYMENT_RESULT, which will indicate if the payment was refunded or voided.
Note: ReversePayment is also used for voiding/canceling pre-auth payments.
- Read overview of the Clover platform.
- Create a global developer account with a default test merchant account.
- Order a Clover Developer Kit (Dev Kit) and set it up.
- Use the required Android SDK versions.
Example—Full refund
You can build a reverse payment request (full amount) with a few lines of code.
val paymentId = // should be id from a payment/pre-auth
val context = this
val builder = ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder(paymentId)
val intent =
Context context = this;
String paymentId = payment.getId(); // should be id from a payment/pre-auth
ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder(paymentId);
Intent intent =;
The Intent can then be used to start the activity to process the reverse payment request.
Example—Partial refund
This is an example of a partial amount refund.
Note: A partial refund cannot be processed on a non-finalized payment, that is, a payment awaiting closeout.
val paymentId = // should be id from a payment/pre-auth
val context = this
val builder = ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder(paymentId)
builder.amount(500) // requesting a $5 partial refund
val intent =
Context context = this;
String paymentId = payment.getId(); // should be id from a payment/pre-auth
ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder builder = new ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder(paymentId);
builder.amount(500L); // requesting a $5 partial refund
Intent intent =;
Response details
When the reverse payment flow completes, the response is available through onActivityResult()
For a successful request:
- Retrieve the refunded
- Retrieve the
object using:
- Retrieve the voided
payment ID
status using:ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_ID
- Retrieve the reverse payment result using:
For an unsuccessful request, retrieve the failure message using the Intent: ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE
Processing results
val reversePaymentResult = intent.getSerializableExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.REVERSE_PAYMENT_RESULT) as ReversePaymentResult
when(reversePaymentResult) {
ReversePaymentResult.REFUNDED -> {
val paymentId = intent.getStringExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_ID)
val refund = intent.getParcelableExtra<Refund>(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.REFUND)
ReversePaymentResult.VOIDED -> {
val paymentId = intent.getStringExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_ID)
ReversePaymentResult.FAILED -> {
// request failed
ReversePaymentResult reversePaymentResult = (ReversePaymentResult) data.getSerializableExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.REVERSE_PAYMENT_RESULT);
if (reversePaymentResult == ReversePaymentResult.REFUNDED) {
String paymentId = data.getStringExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_ID);
Refund refund = data.getParcelableExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.REFUND);
} else if (reversePaymentResult == ReversePaymentResult.VOIDED) {
String paymentId = data.getStringExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.PAYMENT_ID);
} else if (reversePaymentResult == ReversePaymentResult.FAILED) {
String failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(ReversePaymentRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE);
Updated 17 days ago