Create a card token

North America—United States and Canada

A card token is a unique, single-use code that represents a customer’s credit card details. It securely processes payments without exposing the actual card information or directly handling sensitive card information.


Create an ecommerce app integration in the Global Developer Dashboard. See Get started with the Global Developer Dashboard.


  1. Generate a PAKMS key.
  2. Send a POST request to the /v1/tokens endpoint.
  3. Enter information in the required fields.
numberCard primary account number (PAN). To minimize your app's payment card industry (PCI) compliance burden, use encrypted_pan instead.Required
encrypted_panEncrypted card primary account number (PAN). Optional
exp_monthCard expiration month in 2-digit format.
Format: mm
exp_yearCard expiration year in 2- or 4-digit format.
Format: yy or yyyy
cvvCard verification value (CVV). A 3-digit value printed on a card.Required
last4Last 4 numbers of the primary account number.Optional
first6First 6 numbers of the primary account number.Optional
country2-character country code.Optional
brandCard brand.Optional
nameCardholder's full name on the card.Optional
address_line1First line of the address. Can include the street address, PO box, or company name.Optional
address_line2Second line of the address. Can include the apartment, suite, unit, or building number.Optional
address_cityCity of the customer address. Can include district, suburb, town, or village.Optional
address_stateState of the customer address. Can include county, province, or region.Optional
address_zipState of the customer address. Can include county, province, or region.Optional
address_countryBilling address country, if provided.Optional
apikeyUniversally unique identifier (ID) of the API.Required

A single-use card token returns. The token is alphanumeric and begins with clv_. Example: clv_1ABCDefgHI23jKL4m5nOPqR

  1. Use the card token for a single payment for create a charge or pay for an order endpoint.

Request example

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'apikey: 7aacxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxcae2' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "card": {
    "brand": "MC",
    "number": "5000-0000-0000-1236",
    "exp_month": "12",
    "exp_year": "2025",
    "cvv": "121"

Response example

  "id": "clv_1ABCDefgHI23jKL4m5nOPqR",
  "object": "token",
  "card": {
    "exp_month": "12",
    "exp_year": "2025",
    "first6": "542418",
    "last4": "3333",
    "brand": "VISA"