Adjust a tip

United States

Use the TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder class to build an Intent to add a tip to a payment.

This will NOT prompt the customer for a tip; rather, it allows a merchant to apply a tip to an existing payment, for example, from a tip amount left on a receipt. A UI will be displayed if the tip amount is not provided (null), allowing a merchant to enter a tip amount.


Request a headless tip adjust

Build a tip adjust request with tipAmount that is not entered through a user interface.

val paymentId = // should be id from a payment
val tipAmount = 300L
val builder = TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.AdjustTip(paymentId, tipAmount)
val intent =
String paymentId = payment.getId(); // should be id from a payment
long tipAmount = 300l;
TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder builder = TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.AdjustTip(paymentId, tipAmount);
Intent intent =;

Request a tip adjust with keypad

Build a tip adjust request with notipAmount.

val paymentId = // should be id from a payment
val builder = TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.AdjustTip(paymentId, null)
val intent =
String paymentId = payment.getId(); // should be id from a payment
TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder builder = TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.AdjustTip(paymentId, null);
Intent intent =;
Tip adjust keypad page - no tipAmont entered

Tip adjust keypad page: no tipAmount entered

Response details

When the tip adjust flow completes, the response is available through onActivityResult().

Check the TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response class for the response fields.

  • For a successful request, retrieve the mapping of paymentId to selected tipAmount values using the Intent: TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response.TIP_AMOUNTS
  • For an unsuccessful request (error, failure, or cancellation), retrieve the optional failure message using the Intent: TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE

Response example

fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == TIP_ADJUST_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                val tipAmounts: Map<String, Long> = data?.getSerializableExtra(TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response.TIP_AMOUNTS) as Map<String, Long>
            } else {
                // tip adjust request failed, check for error
                val failureMessage = data?.getStringExtra(TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE)
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (requestCode == TIP_ADJUST_REQUEST_CODE) {
      if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        Map<String, Long> tipAmount = data.getSerializableExtra(TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response.TIP_AMOUNTS);
      } else {
       // tip adjust request failed, check for error
        String failureMessage = data.getStringExtra(TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.Response.FAILURE_MESSAGE);