Manage transaction data (REST API)

United States
Latin America

Retrieve transaction information

Clover REST API enables access to detailed transaction data for utilization and display in your application. Your application must possess read payment permission to access this data. If your app enables the merchant to update payment or authorization data, it must also request permission to write payments.

Understand credit card surcharge

A credit card surcharge is a percentage of the post-tax order total collected to partially or fully cover the merchant's costs associated with processing credit card payments. Some merchants are configured to add a surcharge to eligible credit BIN credit card transactions they process. Surcharges are only applied when the customer pays with an eligible credit BIN credit card; they are not added to debit, cash, or other forms of payment. Surcharge rules are set by the card networks.

Clover onboards merchants for credit card surcharging in the following countries:

  • Canada, excluding Quebec
  • United States, excluding states with legal restrictions or prohibitions

Canada uses a flat 2.40% credit card surcharge rate, while in the US, the surcharge can vary by merchant, with most US merchants having a surcharge of 3.00%.

If you display transaction data in your app, you must include data from a few fields.

Check if a merchant is set up for surcharging

To check if a merchant is set up for surcharging

  1. Send a GET request to the /v3/merchants/{mId}/ecomm_payment_configs endpoint.
  2. In the response, check that the surcharging.supported value is true. You can also see the merchant's credit card surcharge rate in the rate field.
curl --request GET \
  --url '{merchantUUID}/ecomm_payment_configs' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  "surcharging": {
    "supported": true,
    "rate": 0.035

View surcharge for a paid transaction

To view the surcharge data for a transaction, add the expand query parameter with the value additionalCharges as shown in the following example.


curl --request GET \
  --url '{merchantUUID}/payments/{paymentUUID}?expand=additionalCharges' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  "id": "RCFSJ33GPYM3D",
  "amount": 3500,
  "additionalCharges": {
    "elements": [
        "id": "AGPT72N3N5TDM",
        "amount": 122,
        "rate": 35000,
        "type": "CREDIT_SURCHARGE",
        "payment": {
          "id": "RCFSJ33GPYM3D"


The response includes an additionalCharges object with the following information:

Response parameterDescription
amountAmount in cents paid as a surcharge on the credit card transaction.
ratePercentage of the total used to calculate the amount multiplied by 10000.
Example: A 3.5% rate displays as 35000.
typeAdditional charge type processed for the transaction.

- CREDIT_SURCHARGE—Percentage fee added to a credit card transaction from an eligible credit BIN to cover the cost of processing.
- INTERAC_V2—Fixed amount added to Interac debit transactions.
paymentUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of the associated payment.

Total amount paid by the customer is the sum of the payment amount and additionalCharges.amount. In the example, the customer was charged $36.22, which is the $35.00 amount plus a 3.5% surcharge of $1.22.

View surcharge for a refund transaction

The paid transaction calculation is applicable for refund data. You can retrieve the updated order and surcharge for a partial refund to display in your app.

curl --request GET \
  --url '{merchantUUID}/refunds/{refundUUID}?expand=additionalCharges' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  "id": "JRWNWS4Y7SSTP",
  "orderRef": {
    "id": "KTRPNSER0FA5W",
    "total": 2000
  "amount": 1500,
  "payment": {
    "id": "ZV67XE59NGF1Y"
    "amount": 3500,
  "additionalCharges": {
    "elements": [
        "id": "AGPT72N3N5TDM",
        "amount": 52,
        "rate": 35000,
        "type": "CREDIT_SURCHARGE",
        "refund": {
          "id": "JRWNWS4Y7SSTP"

In this example, the customer was refunded $15.00 of the original $35.00. The customer paid with a credit card so was was refunded an additional $0.52 of the original surcharge for a total refund of $15.52.

Total amount refunded to the customer is the sum of the refund amount and additionalCharges.amount. In the example, the customer was refunded $15.52, which includes the $15.00 amount plus a 3.5% surcharge refund of $0.52.

Surcharge and tips

A customer can add a tip to a payment in two ways:

  • On the Clover device—If a customer adds a tip on the device, the tipAmount is added to the payment amount and then the sum is multiplied by the surcharge rate to determine the total charged to the customer's card. For example, if the order amount is $25.00, and the customer adds a 20% tip ($5). If they pay with a credit card, they are charged an additional 3.5% surcharge ($1.05).
    Total amount = (2500 + 500) * 1.035 = 3105

  • On a paper receipt—If a customer adds a tip on a paper receipt, the tip is not included when calculating the surcharge.

Understand convenience fees

Merchants can collect a fixed convenience fee using the Virtual Terminal as an alternative payment channel. If you display transaction data in your app, you must use data from several fields to ensure proper reporting for merchants.

View convenience fee for a paid transaction

To view the convenience fee collected for a transaction, add the expand query parameter with the value additionalCharges as shown in the following example.


curl --request GET \
  --url '{merchantUUID}/payments/{paymentUUID}?expand=additionalCharges' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  "id": "MERQ5J3KFETNY",
  "amount": 2000,
  "additionalCharges": {
    "elements": [
        "id": "3NTR8H89C1D8M",
        "amount": 300,
        "type": "CONVENIENCE_FEE",
        "payment": {
          "id": "MERQ5J3KFETNY"


The response includes an additionalCharges object with the following:

Response parameterDescription
amountAmount in cents paid as a convenience fee on the transaction.
typeAdditional charge processed for the transaction, in this case, CONVENIENCE_FEE.
paymentUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of the associated payment.

The total amount paid by the customer is the sum of the payment amount and additionalCharges.amount. In the preceding example, the customer was charged $23.00, that is the $20.00 amount plus a $3.00 convenience fee.

View convenience fee for a refund transaction


curl --request GET \
  --url '{merchantUUID}/refunds/{refundUUID}?expand=additionalCharges' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  "id": "CY3XR7R6D9B3P",
  "amount": 1550,
  "additionalCharges": {
    "elements": [
        "id": "12DB2D19N2SXE",
        "amount": 300,
        "type": "CONVENIENCE_FEE",
        "refund": {
          "id": "CY3XR7R6D9B3P"


The response includes the following information:

Response parametersDescription
amountAmount in cents that is refunded to the customer.
additionalCharges.elements.amountAmount in cents, originally charged as a convenience fee, refunded to the customer.
additionalCharges.elements.typeAdditional charge processed for the transaction, in this case, CONVENIENCE_FEE.
additionalCharges.elements.refundUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of the associated refund.

The total amount refunded to the customer is the sum of the refund amount and additionalCharges.amount. In the example, the customer was refunded $18.50. The refunded amount includes the $15.50 amount plus a $3.00 convenience fee.