OAuth terminology for mobile
United States
Term | Definition |
App ID & Secret | Provides authentication that your client app, Clover app, and merchant are all authorized to interoperate. Provide these values to the CloverPaymentSDK in your mobile app. |
Authorization Code | Clover redirects an authorized merchant logged into the Merchant Dashboard to your app along with an authorization code. After the merchant is authenticated, the Clover server provides this temporary auth_code , which is exchanged for an access token during the OAuth flow. |
Clover app | To authorize OAuth for your mobile app, create a Clover app in the sandbox. The app goes through the Clover app approval process. Your approved app for the production environment provides the App ID and App Secret, which is used by your mobile app during OAuth. For more information on region-based environments to create a Clover app, see Use Clover developer environments. |
Employee | An employee: - Is the person using your application. - Has a developer account. - Is tied to a merchant as an employee in the Merchant Dashboard. - Uses employee login credentials to log in to the OAuth login screen. The Clover Go software development kit (SDK) does not use the passcode in the employee configuration. Instead, employees must have an email/password login and then be assigned to the merchant as an employee using the same email. |
Merchant | A Clover merchant: - Needs a Clover account to process payments. - Must have your Clover app installed on their Merchant Dashboard to perform OAuth. - Has one or more employees configured on the Merchant Dashboard. |
Mobile app | Your mobile app, running on iPhone operating system (iOS) and consuming the CloverPaymentSDK . Configure your mobile app using the App ID and Secret, OAuth redirect URI, and an environment to connect with. There are multiple ways to implement OAuth in your app. For more information, see iOS—OAuth on mobile. |
Production | When you are ready to deploy your application, create accounts and applications in the production environment. Payments taken in production move money into the real world. |
Sandbox | Sandbox environment provides production-like code in an environment that does not impact your production systems in any way. Any payments taken in sandbox are validated as if they were real; however, no money moves in the real world. Test credit cards allow you to take test payments. Create accounts and applications in sandbox the same as in production. Use sandbox to test your app in a safe environment. |
Site URL | Validated link or URL that can be used as the redirect URI during the OAuth flow. After a merchant installs your app and launches it from the Merchant Dashboard, they are redirected to the Site URL. The Clover server sends authenticated merchants to the Site URL through the /oauth/authorize flow, where they can log in or select their merchant account. |
Updated 2 months ago