Migrate from Developer Pay to Ecommerce

IMPORTANT NOTICE to Clover Developers
Developer Pay (DevPay) was deprecated on October 27, 2021, and is no longer supported by Clover.

Contact Developer Relations support with questions or concerns.

North America—United States and Canada

Ecommerce migration guide

The Ecommerce API provides developers and merchants with features and updates that make transitioning from Developer Pay a recommended action:

  • Reduced PCI scope: With the new Clover-hosted iframe tokenizer, sensitive card data will not pass through your app’s code, and this reduces your PCI compliance burden
  • Additional payment functions: Refunds were not available with Developer Pay, but you can refund a charge with Ecommerce

The following sections will help you understand the new API and guide you through the steps to transition your app from using Developer Pay to Ecommerce.

Comparison: Developer Pay and Ecommerce

Before beginning a transition project, read about the available Integration types to ensure you know which you will use for your updated application.

If you want to integrate with the Ecommerce API, you need to understand the similarities and differences with the old API.



An API-only integration may expose your app to greater PCI compliance risk than using the Clover-hosted <iframe>.


Developer Pay and Ecommerce have the same authentication requirements. Your application must send a valid OAuth 2.0 API access token with each request. For more information, see Authenticate with OAuth—Canada and US.


The Ecommerce API /v1/charges endpoints require the PAYMENTS_R, PAYMENTS_W, and ENABLE_ONLINE_PAYMENTS permissions, so no changes are needed to use the payment functions of the API. If your app will use other Ecommerce endpoints, see Ecommerce app permissions for information about additional permissions your app may need.

New payment features

The Ecommerce API offers payment operations not offered with Developer Pay. Those features are outside the scope of this migration guide, but you are encouraged to enhance your app with as many of these as needed for your use case.

  • Pre-authorizing a card for an amount
  • Refunding a charge

Card tokenization

Developer Pay required apps to create an encrypted card token on the client side, an operation that exposes apps and their merchant users to a greater PCI compliance burden. Merchants also had to be specifically set up to accept payments with tokenized cards.

The Ecommerce API provides a more merchant- and developer-friendly option in a Clover-hosted card details form. Any US merchant can accept payments using the new tokens without additional configuration. This form is embeddable <iframe> element that securely collects the sensitive card data and returns a Clover token (cToken) in response.

DevPay endpointEcommerce replacement
GET /v2/merchant/{mId}/pay/keyHosted <iframe> tokenizer


The Ecommerce API provides two different endpoints that can replace the existing Developer Pay endpoints, depending on your use case.

DevPay endpointEcommerce replacement
POST /v2/merchant/{mId}/payTo pay for a charge:
POST /v1/charges
To pay for a created order:
POST /v1/orders/{order_id}/pay

Convert DevPay requests to Ecommerce requests

The JSON request bodies for the Ecommerce /v1/orders/{orderId}/pay endpoint are simpler than those required for DevPay. The following sections provide the minimum changes required, but the endpoint accepts additional request values you may find useful. See the API reference documentation for more information about these optional fields.

Charge a card to pay for an order

Charging a customer card is done in a similar manner with the new API. The major difference is that card data and metadata are not sent in the request. Instead, you set the source value as the cToken representing the customer's card. Also, the orderId is now specified in the URL instead of the request body.

It is recommended that you continue creating orders with the /v3/merchants/{mId}/orders endpoint. While you can migrate to use /v1/orders, this endpoint is meant for streamlined app creation and does not include all of the same features. Note that the base URL for these endpoints is different.



You can also charge a card without having an associated order. See the Tutorials for more information.

- "zip": "94041",
- "expMonth": 1,
- "cvv": "111",
- "last4": "1111",
- "expYear": 2021,
- "first6": "411111",
- "cardEncrypted": "X8UeKej+AEG1h0wD9Xw==",
- "orderId": "HCFFREA222N02", //now part of the request URL
- "taxAmount": 9,
- "amount": 109, //part of the original order data
- "currency: "usd" //part of the original order data
+ "source": "cToken",

Taxes are handled differently with the Ecommerce API. DevPay defined a separate field for this part of the transaction total called taxAmount. Ecommerce requests should set the full amount to be charged, including any tax, as the value of the amount field.

The fields in the /charges response differ from the responses from DevPay's v2/{mId}/pay endpoint. The following table shows these differences to remap your code to the new fields and values.

DevPay response fieldEcommerce response fieldNotes
authCodeNot available
avsResultNot available
cvvResultsource.cvc_checkIf a CVC was provided, this value will be one of the following: pass, failed, unavailable, or unchecked
"result": (APPROVED or DECLINED)"paid": (true/false) - The new value is a boolean instead of an enum
tokenN/ATokens are returned from the hosted tokenizer

Charge a vaulted card

With DevPay, a vaulted card token could only be obtained after charging a card for an initial transaction. The hosted tokenizer replaces the dual-purpose /pay endpoint with a dedicated tool for retrieving card tokens. Because a tokenized card is required for all Ecommerce requests, code for retrieving and storing a token from the /pay endpoint should be migrated to use the tokenizer.