Get started with the global developer platform

North America
Global developer platform

The Clover platform provides tools for developers to design, configure, test, and manage app integrations for Clover merchants. If you create apps and integrations for the North America region, use the Clover global developer platform. This platform offers a consolidated developer experience with access to the Global Developer Dashboard.

On the Global Developer Dashboard, you get an intuitive and seamless experience for developer account management and for developing and launching integrations. You can:

  • Log in with a single global developer account and switch between the sandbox and production environments.
  • Invite other developers in your organization to join your account. Once they accept the invite, they are automatically added to both the sandbox and production environments.

To get started:

  1. Create your global developer account.

  2. Log in to your Clover global developer account. The Global Developer Dashboard appears.

    Global Developer Dashboard: Sandbox and USPROD tabs

    Global Developer Dashboard: Sandbox environment

  3. In the default Sandbox environment, create and test apps with test merchant accounts.

  4. Turn off the Sandbox toggle icon to access the production environment.

  5. Submit your production developer account and integrations for approval.

For more information, see: