Clover semi-integration basics

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Why use Clover payment integration

Clover offers secure payment integration, also known as, a semi-integration solution. Semi-integration allows your existing point of sale (POS) software to accept EMV-ready, payment card industry (PCI) compliant payments. The Clover platform offers a customer-facing experience that enhances the POS and handles all payment acceptance tasks.

Creating a complete POS that complies with PCI and EMV standards is a costly and involved endeavor. You can semi-integrate your hardware and software with Clover's hardware and software, quickly making your POS EMV-compliant.

Clover semi-integration:

  • Allows developers to avoid many issues by using a powerful software development kit (SDK) to drive a Clover device with their existing software.
  • Handles cardholder data encryption and transmission are handled entirely inside the Clover ecosystem, separating risk and ensuring compliance with data processing standards.



Clover also offers native integrations where the POS is an Android app installed on a Clover device. Learn how to select an integration. For more information, see Payments integration options.

Payment interfaces for semi-integration

Depending on the combination of merchant- and customer-facing devices you require, Clover offers different payment interfaces.

Payment interfaceDescription
REST Pay DisplayREST Pay Display provides a simple bridge between your point-of-sale (POS) system and a Clover Flex or Clover Mini. A REST integration is the quickest way to begin taking payments on a Clover device.

Any POS application capable of making HTTP requests can use REST Pay to take card-present payments. A merchant can take any type of standard card-present payments after your POS app is integrated with REST Pay. The REST Pay API allows developers familiar with the Ecommerce API to quickly add an in-person payment option to their app.
Payment ConnectorJava-based PaymentConnector interface that provides all of the Clover features needed for your app to make a sale, issue a refund, and perform other payment functions. Use this API, if you are building a point-of-sale directly on a Clover device.
Clover ConnectorCloverConnector interface that offers external POS systems access to the same payment functions as PaymentConnector, as well as features like custom receipts and Android activities. The interface is available as an SDK for four platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- JavaScript
- .NET
Android Payments APIAndroid Payments API is an intent-based API for use by applications running on Clover devices for executing payment transaction requests.

The Android intents are built using Intent Builders and support payment operations, including payments, preauthorizations, and payment reversals (void/refund).

Note: The Android Payments API is intended to eventually replace PaymentConnector, as it provides more capabilities and support for additional configurations.

Interested in integrating with a Clover device? Email us at [email protected].