Ecommerce - Card tokenization

North America—United States and Canada

Tokenization is a process to substitute sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or PAN, with a non-sensitive equivalent value known as Token.

A token cannot be reverse-engineered by a third-party to get the original sensitive data. By using a token in place of raw credit card data, we can minimize the risk of handling sensitive data in transit. See Ecommerce Tokenization to learn more.

Advantages of tokenization

  • Enhances security - Replace PAN details on a card with a randomly generated token.
  • Improves PCI DSS compliance - Meet security requirements and reduce the scope and cost of PCI compliance efforts.
  • Improves authorization rates - Payment tokens improve the gateway payment authorization rates.
  • Facilitates recurring payments - Allow more subscription billing and uninterrupted service for subscription-based businesses.

Clover supports the following tokenization services:

The following table explains the tokenization services in Clover to determine your integration with Clover:

Use casesClover tokensTransArmor tokens
FunctionGenerate tokens to process charges on the Clover gatewayGenerate payment tokens to process charges on the Clover and Fiserv payment system
Example: clv_12345jklbhd
Example: 1234456789021
ScopeSpecific to a merchant or merchant groupSpecific to a merchant or a merchant group
CompatibilitySpecific to Clover paymentsCompatible with across Fiserv payment systems