ON HOLD - Credit (card present only)

United States

Types of refunds are:

  • Payments reversal—Reverse the original payment to return funds to the customer. When you make these requests, provide a paymentID as a reference to the payment that needs reversal.
  • Credit—Return funds to a customer without an existing payment. If there is an existing payment, use a Reversal request to return funds to customers.
  • Online Refund Authorization—Refunds and credits are subject to approval or decline by the processor. Configure your app to handle all potential scenarios.

To create a card present payment:

  • Connect the card reader and ensure it has more than 2% of battery power.
  • Use CreditRequest (no KeyedInCard details are allowed for credits)

For information about payment methods, see Payments.


Before you integrate with the Go SDK, complete the following:

Field descriptions


amounttrueInt64Amount in cents to be credited to the credit card.

Format: Cents; Cannot be null, zero (0), or a negative value

Maximum amount = 999999999.
OrderIdfalseStringClover-assigned, universally unique identifier (UUID) of the order, for which credit is requested.

This value is always null, and in this case, the SDK creates an empty order ID.

Length: Maximum 13
deviceOptionsfalseDevicePaymentOptionsSee DevicePaymentOptions for details.


creditCreditCredit details are autopopulated on a successful credit.


To create a credit payment to a credit card:

  • Create a CreditRequest.
    • Successful request returns OnCreditPaymentComplete with the PayResponse.
    • Error such as a timeout returns OnCreditPaymentError.

You may receive a PaymentChallenge. Expect the delegator to respond to the challenge request. The delegator can cancel the challenge and void the payment or act on the challenge before a timeout and proceed with the payment.

Response details


OnPaymentChallengeIndicates a paymentChallenge needs to be addressed and is waiting on delegator to respond back.
See Types of PaymentChallenge for details.
OnPaymentErrorIndicates a successful payment.
Review PayResponse for the successful payment details.
OnCreditPaymentErrorIndicates an error and the payment is voided.

CreditRequest example

fun requestCredit(request: CreditRequest): SharedFlow<ChargeCardReaderState>
override fun sendCreditRequest(amount: Long, deviceOptions: MutableList<CardEntryMethod>?) {
        /** Order will be created by SDK as a new order.
            As of now, integrators don't have a way to create an empty order and pass Clover Order UUID **/
        val orderId = null
        val deviceCreditOptions = if (deviceOptions == null) {
        } else {
                cardEntryMethods = deviceOptions
        val request = CreditRequest(
            amount = amount,
            orderId = orderId,
            deviceOptions = deviceCreditOptions
        /** goSdk.requestCredit(creditRequest).collect {
                result = it
                when (it) {
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnOnCardReaderApplicationSelect -> onCardReaderApplicationSelector = it.selector
                    else -> Unit /** log info **/
            } **/
    private val chargeCardReaderStateCallback = object : GoSdkCallback<ChargeCardReaderState> {
        override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
            binding.transactionStateTextview.text = "Error on Transaction: ${e.message}"
        override fun onNext(result: ChargeCardReaderState) {
            if (result is ChargeCardReaderState.OnPaymentComplete) {
            binding.transactionStateTextview.text = when (result) {
                is ChargeCardReaderState.OnCreditPaymentComplete -> "ChargeCardReaderState.OnCreditPaymentComplete: ${result.response}"
                is ChargeCardReaderState.OnCreditPaymentError -> "ChargeCardReaderState.OnCreditPaymentError: ${result.error}"
                is ChargeCardReaderState.OnOnCardReaderApplicationSelect -> "ChargeCardReaderState.OnOnCardReaderApplicationSelect"
                is ChargeCardReaderState.OnReaderPaymentProgress -> "ChargeCardReaderState.OnReaderPaymentProgress: ${result.event}"
                else -> Timber.i("ChargeCardReaderState UNKNOWN!!!!!: $result)