v306 release notes

Clover Android SDK

United States

The following data model changes, new features, improvements, deprecations, and bug fixes are available in the release of Clover Android SDK v306.

Data model changes

Added classes for ItemOverride, ModifierOverride, and LayoutOverride.

New features and improvements


  • Batch details to the refund details page.
  • New column in theorders.order_fee table named service_charge_uuid.


Enabled printing of TipSuggestion overrides.

Restaurant Solutions


  • defaultPosMenu in response to menu sync API. This lets the device discover if the menu is defaultPosMenu.
  • menuId in the menu and category tables.
  • Method fireLineItems() to OrderConnector to directly fire the line items to the printer in case of Auto-Coursing.

Payments—Core Processing App

Added a pre-auth start screen to the Station Duo Register app. The screen message instructs the customer to present their card.


Batched the following reference number details on the refund details page:

  • Batch ID
  • Batch date and time
  • Funding date


  • New attribute when creating pre-auth—Payment.paymentAttribute.createAuth = true in ServiceFeeRequest params.
  • New service fee API on Auth server.

Point of sale

Added public helper methods in OrderCalc to use order fee calculation APIs from Calc.

Clover Android SDK

New features and improvements


  • OrderService and OrderUpdateListeners to support applying or removing order fees from the order.
  • Clover Android SDK to allow parameters EXTRA_TRANSMIT_UPC_A_PREAMBLE and EXTRA_TRANSMIT_UPC_A_CHECK_DIGIT to pass when starting a barcode scanner app.


  • Support for orderId in PayRequestBuilder.
  • New OrderConnector.capturePreauthorization().
  • PAYMENT_TYPE and CREATE_AUTH to PayIntent.
  • TipAdjust() builder for TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder.
  • Option to the install_apps.py script to use -s or --serial arguments to specify a device. This is sometimes easier than setting the ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable.

Bug fixes


  • Payment ID to receipt contract.
  • isSquareDisplay() method to Platform2 to identify square displays. A display is considered square if its aspect ratio is less than or equal to 4/3rds.