Test Canadian payment flows
To provide a consistent payment experience for Clover merchants, you must test and validate your app integration. This includes verifying all payment flows for the region where a merchant does business. Regional laws and regulations may affect the types of transactions a merchant can perform, so you must complete the tests for every region where your integrated app is intended for use.
The test scenarios provide steps to confirm your integration properly processes the transactions required for the Canadian region.
Prerequisites to test Canadian payment flows
1. Use test cards
You must conduct tests using a Dev Kit configured for the sandbox environment. Test cards, both physical and manually entered, let you:
- Test each payment flow and make sure your application processes the payment as expected.
- Complete the tests required for Clover approval.
- Record a video of each transaction for Clover approvers to review that the point of sale (POS) handles the entire payment flow correctly. Keep both the POS and Clover device in the frame during the entire video. See Submit your application information and videos by email.
You can:
- Purchase a physical Interac test card from B2 to verify the payment flow for Interac cards.
- Use the following test card for the test scenarios in this topic:
Card type | Format | Number | Response |
Discover® | Plastic | 6011 3610 0000 6668 | Success |
Visa® | Manual | 4005 5780 0333 3335 | Partial authorization for half of sale amount |
Visa | Manual | 4005 5717 0222 2222 | Decline |
Interac | Plastic | Varies (developer purchased) |
2. Configure signature settings
To confirm that your application handles signatures correctly during the tests, your Clover device must be set to take the signature on the screen.
- On the Clover device, open the Setup app.
- From the left navigation menu, tap Payments.
- In the Signature Settings section, tap Signature Requirement and verify Always require signature is selected.
- Tap Save. The signature settings are configured.

3. Configure the tip setting
To confirm that your application handles tips correctly during the tests, your Clover device must be set to ask for a tip on the screen.
- On the Clover device, open the Setup app.
- From the left navigation menu, tap Tips.
- Tap Ask for tip and verify the Ask for tip is enabled.
- Tap Save.
- Tap Tip entry location and verify On tablet screen is selected.
- Tap Save. The tip settings are configured.

Scenarios—Test Canadian payment flows
If your integration supports all of the available transaction types, each of the following flows must be completed for your app to be approved. Integrations that support a subset of transaction types can skip the tests that do not apply. When recording your tests, make sure both the POS and Clover device are in the frame during the entire video.
Test #1: Sale with tipping disabled (credit)
- (POS) Create a sale for the amount of $52.00.
- (Clover) Swipe card number
6011 3610 0000 6668
(Discover). - (Clover) On the Select Account screen, tap Credit.
- (Clover) On the Add Signature screen, draw a line and tap Done.
- (POS) Accept the signature.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The sale is processed without any tipping option.
Test #2: Refund a credit transaction
- (POS) Select the sale transaction from test #1.
- (POS) Refund the full amount of the sale.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The refund is complete.
Test #3: Sale with tipping disabled (debit)
- (POS) Create a sale for the amount of $52.00.
- (Clover) Insert the Interac test card.
- (Clover) On the Select Account screen, tap Chequing.
- (Clover) On the Enter PIN screen, enter the 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) and tap Enter.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The sale is processed without any tipping option.
Test #4: Refund a debit transaction
- (POS) Select the sale transaction from test#3.
- (POS) Refund the full amount of the sale.
- (Clover) Insert the Interac test card.
- (Clover) On the Enter PIN screen, enter the 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) and tap Enter.
- (Clover) Remove the card.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The refund is complete.
Tests #5a and #5b cover partial authorizations and the two methods for handling them—paying the remaining balance or voiding the transaction. If your POS allows the merchant to choose either option, complete and record both tests. Otherwise, complete and record only the test that applies to your integration.
Test #5a: Sale with tipping disabled and partial authorization
This test is for an integration that handles partial authorization by allowing the merchant and customer to complete the transaction with a second form of payment.
- (POS) Create a sale for the amount of $52.00.
- (Clover) On the Sale screen, tap Type Card.
- (Clover) Enter card number
4005 5780 0333 3335
(Visa, manual entry) and tap Enter. - (Clover) For the CVV security code, enter the 3-digit card verification value and tap Enter.
- (Clover) For the Expiration Date, enter a month and year (MM/YY) in the future and tap Enter. A confirmation message appears.
- (Clover) To continue with the partial auth transaction, tap Yes.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
Half of the sale amount is processed, and the POS indicates this to the merchant. - (POS) Click to acknowledge the partial payment.
- (POS) Start the next transaction to take the payment for the remaining balance.
- (Clover) On the Sale screen, swipe card number
6011 3610 0000 6668
(Discover). - (Clover) On the Select Account screen, tap Credit.
- (Clover) On the Add Signature screen, draw a line and tap Done.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen screen, tap No receipt.
- (Clover) On the All Done screen, tap anywhere to dismiss the message.
The sale is complete.
Test #5b: Sale with tipping disabled and voided partial authorization
This test is for an integration that handles a partial authorization by voiding the original payment.
- (POS) Create a sale for the amount of $52.00.
- (Clover) On the Sale screen, tap Type Card.
- (Clover) Enter card number
4005 5780 0333 3335
(Visa, manual entry) and tap Enter. - (Clover) For the CVV security code, enter the 3-digit card verification value and tap Enter.
- (Clover) For the Expiration Date, enter a month and year (MM/YY) in the future and tap Enter. A confirmation message appears.
- (Clover) To continue with the partial auth transaction, tap Yes.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
Half of the sale amount is processed, and the POS notifies the merchant of the partial payment. - (POS) Click the merchant-facing option to void the original payment.
The partially authorized payment is voided.
Test #6: Sale with tipping enabled and no tip
- (POS) Create a sale for the amount of $52.00.
- (Clover) On the Add a Tip screen, tap No Tip.
- (Clover) Swipe card number
6011 3610 0000 6668
(Discover). - (Clover) On the Select Account screen, tap Credit.
- (Clover) On the Add Signature screen, draw a line and tap Done.
- (POS) Accept the signature.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The sale is processed without a tip.
Test #7: Void a payment
- (POS) Select the sale transaction from test #6.
- (POS) Void the sale.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The void is complete, and the device displays The transaction was voided.
Test #8: Sale with tipping enabled and 15% tip
- (POS) Create a sale for the amount of $52.00.
- (Clover) On the Add a Tip screen, tap 15%.
- (Clover) On the Sale screen, verify the transaction total includes the tip.
- (Clover) Swipe card number
6011 3610 0000 6668
(Discover). - (Clover) On the Select Account screen, tap Credit.
- (Clover) On the Add Signature screen, draw a line and tap Done.
- (POS) Accept the signature.
- (Clover) On the Need a receipt screen, tap No receipt.
The sale is processed with a tip.
Updated about 2 months ago