Payment response reference

United States
Latin America

The following table describes the information that can be returned for payments initiated with the Clover Connector sale, auth, preAuth, or voidPayment functions. This is not a comprehensive listing, and some properties are present only when certain transaction parameters are met.

successIndicates whether the operation was successful.
resultFinal result of the requested operation.
reasonAdditional information about the result.
messageDetailed information about the result.
paymentObject representing the payment.
payment.idUnique identifier of the payment.
payment.order.idUnique identifier of the Clover order associated to the payment.
payment.tender.idUnique identifier of the merchant tender type used for the payment.
payment.tender.editableIndicates whether this merchant tender is editable.
payment.tender.labelKeyInternal name of the tender.
payment.tender.labelName of the tender appearing to the merchant and customer.
payment.tender.opensCashDrawerIndicates whether a connected cash drawer is opened after the transaction is processed.
payment.tender.enabledIndicates whether the tender type is active for the merchant.
payment.tender.visibleIndicate whether the tender type is shown in the Clover Setup app.
payment.tender.instructionsSteps for the merchant to follow when accepting this tender type.
payment.amountOrder subtotal amount in cents.
payment.tipAmountTip amount in cents.
payment.taxAmountTax collected amount in cents. This is included in the subtotal shown in the payment.amount field.
payment.cashbackAmountCashback amount in cents, given to the customer.
payment.cashTenderedCash amount in cents, returned to customer.
payment.externalPaymentIdUnique identifier sent by your POS with the transaction request. See Track transactions with external IDs for more information.
payment.employee.idUnique identifier of the employee that processed the payment.
payment.createdTimeUnix timestamp of when the payment record was created.
payment.offlineIndicates whether the payment was processed when the Clover device was in the offline state. For general information about offline payments, see Take payments while offline in the merchant help. For information about offline payment settings in the SDK, see the Per-transaction settings page.
payment.resultFinal result of the requested operation.
payment.cardTransactionObject containing information about the card presented by the customer to complete the payment.
payment.cardTransaction.cardTypeBrand of card used for the payment.
payment.cardTransaction.entryTypeIndicates how the card information was entered at the Clover device. These options can be controlled with the CardEntryMethods per-transaction setting.
payment.cardTransaction.first6First 6 digits of the card number.
payment.cardTransaction.last4Last 4 digits of the card number.
payment.cardTransaction.typeTransaction type recorded by the payment gateway.
payment.cardTransaction.authCodeAuthorization code returned by the card issuer.
payment.cardTransaction.referenceIdReference identifier returned by the card issues.
payment.cardTransaction.transactionNoTransaction identifier returned by the card issues.
payment.cardTransaction.stateCurrent status of the payment (either PENDING or CLOSED).
payment.cardTransaction.extraObject containing additional details about the card transaction.
payment.cardTransaction.extra.applicationLabelLabel associated with the card's AID (chip and contactless only).
payment.cardTransaction.extra.applicationIdentifierAID of the card product selected for use to process the transaction (chip and contactless only).
payment.cardTransaction.extra.cvmResultResult of the card verification process (for example, SIGNATURE_VERIFIED or ONLINE_PIN).
payment.cardTransaction.extra.authorizingNetworkNameName of the card network that processed the transaction request.
payment.cardTransaction.cardholderNameFull name of the cardholder.
payment.cardTransaction.tokenReusable, tokenized representation of the card. This is returned only when the merchant is configured for multipay tokens (mToken).
payment.cardTransaction.vaultedCardObject containing data about the customer's tokenized card. This is returned only for merchants that are configured for multipay tokens.
payment.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.first6First 6 digits of the card number.
payment.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.last4Last 4 digits of the card number.
payment.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.cardholderNameFull name of the cardholder.
payment.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.expirationDateExpiration date in MMYY format.
payment.cardTransaction.vaultedCard.tokenReusable, tokenized representation of the card.
payment.attributesAdditional information about the payment.
payment.taxRatesArray of the tax rates applied to the payment.
payment.lineItemPaymentsLine items (and any associated payment data) are not recorded by Clover for orders created with a Remote Pay SDK.
payment.transactionSettingsObject containing the configuration of the Per-transaction settings and other merchant settings received by the device as part of the payment request.
payment.transactionSettings.cardEntryMethodsNumeric representation of the entry types allowed for the transaction:

  • 34567 — default (swipe/chip/contactless)

  • 36623 — all

  • 34824 — manual entry

  • 33025 — swipe

  • 33282 — chip

  • 33796 — contactless

  • 35081 — manual/swipe

  • 35338 — manual/chip

  • 35852 — manual/contactless

  • 33539 — swipe/chip

  • 34053 — swipe/contactless

  • 34310 — chip/contactless

  • 35595 — manual/swipe/chip

  • 36109 — manual/swipe/contactless

  • 36366 — manual/chip/contactless

payment.transactionSettings.disableCashBackIf true, the customer was not given the option to receive cash back from the transaction.
payment.transactionSettings.cloverShouldHandleReceiptsIf true, Clover issued a receipt based on the customer's selection on the screen.
payment.transactionSettings.forcePinEntryOnSwipeIf true, the customer was required to enter their PIN if they swiped a card to pay.
payment.transactionSettings.disableRestartTransactionOnFailureIf true, the device will not prompt the customer to retry a failed payment.
payment.transactionSettings.allowOfflinePaymentIf true, the device would process the transaction without a network connection.
payment.transactionSettings.approveOfflinePaymentWithoutPromptIf true and an offline payment occurred, the offline payment challenge was not shown to the merchant.
payment.transactionSettings.forceOfflinePaymentIf true, the transaction was processed without sending payment information to the payment gateway. During settlement, the payment may be rejected for insufficient funds or another reason.
payment.transactionSettings.signatureThresholdNumber of cents below which the customer is not required to sign.
payment.transactionSettings.signatureEntryLocationWhere the customer provided their signature (if one was required for the payment). Possible values are ON_SCREEN, ON_PAPER, and NONE.
payment.transactionSettings.tipModeSpecifies when in the payment flow the customer was given the opportunity to add a tip. Possible values are TIP_PROVIDED , ON_SCREEN_BEFORE_PAYMENT, ON_SCREEN_AFTER_PAYMENT , and NO_TIP.
payment.transactionSettings.tippableAmountNumber of cents used to calculate percentage-based tips.
payment.transactionSettings.disableReceiptSelectionIf true, the receipt options screen was not shown to the customer.
payment.transactionSettings.disableDuplicateCheckIf true, the device did not check whether the current payment may be a duplicate of an existing payment.
payment.transactionSettings.autoAcceptPaymentConfirmationsIf true, the merchant was not prompted to confirm any offline or duplicate payment challenges.
payment.transactionSettings.autoAcceptSignatureIf true, the merchant was not prompted to check and confirm the cardholder's signature entry.
payment.transactionSettings.returnResultOnTransactionCompleteIf true, the device finishes the payment flow as soon as the transaction is finalized (Germany only).
payment.transactionSettings.tipSuggestionsArray of up to four tip suggestions shown to the customer on the tip screen.
payment.transactionInfo.isTokenBasedTxIf true, the transaction was processed using a vaulted customer card.
payment.transactionInfo.emergencyFlagIf true, the transaction was performed in emergency mode.
payment.externalReferenceIdUnique identifier sent by your POS with the transaction request. This field can be used to associate a Clover transaction with the merchant's order identifier (such as an invoice or purchase order number).
payment.isSaleIf true, the transaction was processed as a sale.
payment.isPreAuthIf true, the transaction was processed as a pre-auth.
payment.isAuthIf true, the transaction was processed as an auth.