Add release notes to APKs

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When uploading a new APK version for your Clover Android app, you can enter details about the version in the Release Updates field. The release notes for the currently published APK display for merchants at the bottom of your app Details page in the Clover App Market.

Merchants can click the see all versions link to view an updates page with the release notes for other versions of the APK. You can add release notes to any APK version, either before or after publishing. To add release notes to an APK version:

  1. Log in to the Developer Dashboard.
  2. From the left navigation menu, click Your Apps App name > App Releases. The App Name - App Release page appears.
  3. In the Release table, locate the version of the APK to add release notes.
  4. In the Action column for the APK, click the ellipsis icon. A submenu appears.
  5. Click Edit Note.
  6. Enter release notes for the APK.
  7. Click Save.