We are in this together | Clover + Developer Partners
March 31st, 2020
We are in this together
Over the past few weeks, many of you have contacted us to discuss how we can work together during this difficult time. We understand how challenging it is right now for your operation, and we are both focused on our shared merchants and their opportunities now.
Please let us share some of the things we have started to put in place for our merchants here. Please also continue to check back here as we will add any additional, relevant merchant blog posts.
As the terrific partners you are, you too may have implemented programs to help our merchants. We have already featured some of your offers in a resource kit for our sales team. Our Business Consultants are providing extra help to merchants now, including educating them on your valuable applications and special offers.
Please share any suggestions or program ideas you have with us at [email protected].
Developer app approval process
To assure you, the developer app approval and app update processes have not been affected and continue to operate as before. Also, we are committed to shipping Dev Kits, but delays of up to three weeks may be anticipated at this time. Please continue to check here for the latest shipment timelines.
Please stay safe, and take care of your loved ones, your employees, and communities. Our thoughts are with you and our shared merchants as we all work through this challenging period together.
Updated 4 months ago