Test card numbers

United States

Clover provides you with test card numbers to trigger specific scenarios at the payment gateway, such as declines and partial transactions. You can:

  • Use the test card details to test each payment flow and ensure your application processes the payment as expected.
  • Use any three digits for the card verification value (CVV)/card verification code (CVC). For example: 123
  • Use any future date for the expiration date.
CardAccount numberResponse codeResponse
Visa®4242 4242 4242 42420Success (approve)
Visa®4005 5780 0333 33352Approve for partial amounts
Visa®4005 5717 0222 2222500Decline
InteracVaries (purchased by developer)
Developers can purchase Interac test card to verify the payment flow for Interac cards.



The Ecommerce API declines partial auth transactions. Hence, the Visa test card number for partial amount approvals will be declined.

Scenario-specific card details

You can simulate transactions for any root cause analysis with scenario-specific card details. For example, if you want to analyze a transaction failure status, use card details to simulate transaction decline in the Simulate declines section.

Simulate successful transactions

Use the following test card details to simulate a successful transaction in the test mode.

American Express®3782 822463 10005
American Express®3714 496353 98431
Diners Club®3056 93090 25904
Diners Club®3852 00000 23237
Discover®NOTE: Discover has canceled the "6011" number series previously provided. This content will be updated when a replacement card number is available.
JCB®3566 0020 2036 0505
Visa®4242 4242 4242 4242
Visa® (debit)4000 0566 5566 5556



Use the address and CVV/CVC data with any card numbers listed above to complete the address and CVV/CVC checks. If you do not set the address and CVV/CVC data, the value address and CVV/CVC are null.

Ecommerce test cards for AVS success scenarios

To test the Address Verification Service (AVS) success scenarios, use any of the following test card numbers with any United States postal or ZIP code.

Card BrandNumber
American Express®375186917371340
Discover®NOTE: Discover has canceled the "6011" number series previously provided. This content will be updated when a replacement card number is available.

Simulate declines

Use the following test cards to have the payment gateway return a declined response.

American Express®3759 876540 00004
Mastercard®5424 1802 7333 3333
Visa®4264 2815 1111 7771

Test specific error codes

The following table gives suggestions for testing some specific error codes:

Error code
incorrect_numberUse a card number that fails the Luhn check (for example, 4242 4242 4242 4241)
invalid_expiry_monthUse an invalid month number such as 13
invalid_expiry_yearUse a year in the past, such as 1970
invalid_cvcUse two digits such as 99

Ad hoc tests

In addition to the Unit and Certification test scripts in your software development kit (SDK), Clover lets you create test cases. Use the following test card details to create test cases that you can use with your test merchants accounts in the Clover sandbox environment.

PIN Debit4017779991113335
Discover®NOTE: Discover has canceled the "6011" number series previously provided. This content will be updated when a replacement card number is available.
American Express®371030089111338
Diners Club®36185900011112

Testing tips valid for all cards

For testing purposes, specific payment values are aligned for various test scenarios. For example:

  • Transactions for $45.67 receive a No Host Response to simulate time-out reversal testing.
  • Transactions below $100.00 receive an Approved response.
  • Transactions above $100.00 receive a specific Error response.
  • Transaction amount sent in the transaction request message determines which error response code is received in your response. To request an error response code, the last three digits of the transaction amount are the response code you want to receive. For example:
    • To receive a response message with a 116 response code, then the request message could contain a transaction amount of $101.16.
    • To receive a response message with a 318 response code, then the request message could contain a transaction amount of $403.18.