Redirect merchants to apps

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Clover web apps are built using the Clover REST API and hosted by the developer. Merchants install approved web apps from the Clover App Market. Once a merchant installs an app, they can access the app from the sandbox Merchant Dashboard.



You build and test your apps in the sandbox environment. Your apps are published in the production environment. The Merchant Dashboard in production is

Set redirects for merchants

Clover redirects merchants to the Site URL value (under App Settings > REST Configuration) provided on the sandbox Merchant Dashboard whenever they:

As part of this process, Clover appends certain URL parameters, including mId of the business and employee_id of the current user. To view a full list of query parameters included in these redirects, see OAuth flows in Clover.

Authenticate merchants and users

If users browse directly to your web app, rather than launching it from the sandbox Merchant Dashboard, redirect them to Clover for authentication. For more information, see OAuth flows in Clover.

When looking at an OAuth response, you have access to the following information:

  • The employee_id of the current user. A business can have multiple devices and employees. The owner of the business, along with managers and employees, have an employee_id associated with their account.
  • The mId of the business. The mId is a unique identifier assigned by Clover to a merchant business and is used when making REST API calls.

You can use the merchant ID (mId) and employee ID (employee_id or empId) to determine if the merchant has used your app before and provide a user-friendly setup experience.

Locate the merchant ID

  1. Log in to the sandbox Developer Dashboard.
  2. From the Developer Account drop-down list, select a merchant name under Businesses. The Merchant Dashboard for the selected merchant appears.
  3. From the left navigation menu, click Account & Setup. The Account & Setup page appears.
  4. In the About Your Business section, click Merchants. The User Settings page appears. Merchant ID is the 13-alphanumeric identifier below the merchant name in the Merchant column.
  1. To view another merchant ID, enter search criteria in the Search merchants by name, ID, and city field, and click Search. The merchant information displays in the search results grid.

Locate the employee ID

  1. Log in to the sandbox Developer Dashboard.
  2. From the Developer Account drop-down list, select a merchant name under Businesses. The Merchant Dashboard for the selected merchant appears.
  3. From the left navigation menu, click Account & Setup. The Account & Setup page appears.
  4. In the Employee Access section, click Employees. The Employees page appears. Employee ID is the 13-alphanumeric identifier below the employee name in the Employee column.
  1. To view another employee ID, enter search criteria in the Search employees field, and click Search. The employee information displays in the search results grid.

Install your test app

To install your app on a test merchant account:

  1. Log in to the sandbox Developer Dashboard.
  2. From the left navigation menu, click Your Apps > App name > Market Listing. The App name - Market Listing page appears.
  3. Click Preview in App Market. The Merchant Dashboard for your test merchant account displays the App Market preview of your app.
  4. Click Connect. When you accept the installation, the app is installed for your test merchant account on the Merchant Dashboard.