Request inventory stock

United States
Latin America

The quantity field holds an item’s stock and is found by expanding itemStock when viewing items. This field can only be updated through item_stocks endpoints. The field supports whole or decimal numbers, both positive and negative.

$ curl -s "{mId}/item_stocks/{Item_ID}" --header "Authorization: Bearer {API_Token}" | python -mjson.tool

  "item": {
    "id": "3Z29BX6C013XC"
  "stockCount": 127,
  "quantity": 127

Deprecated field

The stockCount is a deprecated field that will always display quantity rounded to the nearest whole number. As a result, its use is discouraged. The following example shows how a decimal quantity value of 160.5 is rounded to 161 for the stockCount field.

$ cat /tmp/item_stocks.json
   "quantity": 160.5

$ curl -s -X POST "{mId}/item_stocks/{Item_ID}" --header "Authorization: Bearer {API_Token}" --data "{Content from item_stocks.json}" | python -mjson.tool

  "item": {
    "id": "3Z29BX6C013XC"
  "stockCount": 161,
  "quantity": 160.5