Take a payment with Payment Connector

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With the Payment Connector, your app can use the Clover Android APIs to process payments and related actions like voids and refunds. The interface is robust enough to support a complete POS app, but it can also be used for simple cases where you only need to perform a sale transaction. The following sections explore using the Payment Connector in a small sample app with a single button that processes a sale for $10.00.



Always wait until the onDeviceConnected event has been received before you perform any Payment Connector actions. This ensures that Payment Connector is initialized and ready to process the request.



Payment Connector always launches the payment flow on the merchant-facing device regardless of tethering.

Configure Android permissions

Payment Connector requires Android-level permissions to access the internet and retrieve the Clover account on the device. To add these permissions to your app, do the following:

  1. Open your app's AndroidManifest.xml file.
  2. Add the following permissions elements as children of the <manifest>:
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


Add the Payment Connector dependencies

The Payment Connector libraries are published on Maven Central, so you must add that repository and the dependencies to your build configuration.

  1. Open your project's build.gradle file.
  2. In the repositories block, add mavenCentral() as the first repository.
repositories {
  1. Open your module's build.gradle file.
  2. In the dependencies block, add the following implementation statements:
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.clover.sdk:clover-android-sdk:262.2'
  implementation 'com.clover.sdk:clover-android-connector-sdk:262.2'

Create the listener

First, your app must initialize the Payment Connector with the required parameters. To do this, you first get the current account (CloverAccount.getAccount), set the remote application ID, and construct the listener which acts as the client. This listener implements the IPaymentConnectorListener interface. The following example also shows the implementation of the onSaleResponse method to receive messages from the device and give a visual indication (using Toast) of whether the sale succeeds.

private PaymentConnector initializePaymentConnector() {
  // Get the Clover account that will be used with the service; uses the GET_ACCOUNTS permission
  Account cloverAccount = CloverAccount.getAccount(this);
  // Set your RAID as the remoteApplicationId
  String remoteApplicationId = "SWDEFOTWBD7XT.6W3D67YDX8GN3";
  //Implement the interface
  IPaymentConnectorListener paymentConnectorListener = new IPaymentConnectorListener() {
   public void onSaleResponse(SaleResponse response) {
     	String result;
        if(response.getSuccess()) {
          result = "Sale was successful";
        } else {
          result = "Sale was unsuccessful" + response.getReason() + ":" + response.getMessage();
        Toast.makeText(getApplication().getApplicationContext(), result, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
  // Implement the other IPaymentConnector listener methods
 // Create the PaymentConnector with the context, account, listener, and RAID
 return new PaymentConnector(this, cloverAccount, paymentConnectorListener, remoteApplicationId);

Create the SaleRequest

Next, create a simple SaleRequest to be passed to the PaymentConnector when the button is tapped. For testing purposes, the sale amount is set to $10.00.

private SaleRequest setupSaleRequest() {
    // Create a new SaleRequest and populate the required request fields
    SaleRequest saleRequest = new SaleRequest();
    saleRequest.setExternalId(ExternalIdUtils.generateNewID()); //required, but can be any string

    return saleRequest;

Create the activity

In your activity, add code to do the following:

  • Set the layout to use the activity_simple_example.xml file (line 5) (see Payment Connector Example Activity to download the file)
  • Start the connector (line 8)
  • Add the button widget that can be tapped to initiate the sale (lines 10–16).
public class ExampleActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  // Initialize the PaymentConnector with a listener
  final PaymentConnector paymentConnector = initializePaymentConnector();
  Button saleButton = findViewById(R.id.saleButton);
  saleButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
      // Set up a SaleRequest
      SaleRequest saleRequest = setupSaleRequest();

Screen flow

When the app is run, you should see the following screens as you progress through the app. Additional screens may appear during the payment flow depending on your merchant and device configuration.

  1. Your app's screen with a button for starting the sale.
  1. The Clover payments screen showing that you are processing a sale for $10.00.
  1. The Clover payments screen asking you to choose a receipt for the sale.
  1. Your app's screen displaying a success message.