What's new: 2021

November 2021

Inventory API

Bulk categories reordering endpoint

Added a new endpoint that allows you to bulk reorder categories.

Send a POST request to the/v3/merchants/{mId}/categories/bulk_sort_orders endpoint.

	"categorySortOrders": [{
		"id": "1AMQ356VYXPF8",
		"sortOrder": 2
    "id": "WA9VQQKCPYG5J",
		"sortOrder": 3    

October 2021

REST Pay Display (Beta)

New device reset endpoint

Added a new endpoint, /v1/device/reset, which resets the device to an initial state and cancels any in-flight commands from the POS.
To cancel one or more in-flight commands without resetting the device, use the /v1/device/cancel endpoint.

September 2021


New colorCode property for items and categories

When creating or updating an inventory item or category, you can set a color to represent the item or category and make it easier for merchants to visually group items. This color code appears in the Register and Dining apps, as well as the Inventory page of the merchant Web Dashboard.

August 2021


PayPal/Venmo tender type is available

Clover US merchants can now accept PayPal and Venmo as a tender type for goods purchased in physical locations. To initiate the payment process, the merchant's POS will present a QR code which will be read by the customer's mobile PayPal/Venmo app.

To determine if a payment was processed using PayPay or Venmo, review the payment responsetender.label field.

  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "order": {
    "id": "2ZWJDG42TG25Y"
  "amount": 10503,
  "cashTendered": null,
  "taxAmount": 0,
  "tipAmount": 0,
  "cashbackAmount": null,
  "employee": {
    "id": "GT1SSENJXTVPY"
  "tender": {
    "id": "6PXWX9XNM255J",
    "editable": false,
    "enabled": true,
    "instructions": null,
    "label": "PayPal",
    "labelKey": "com.clover.paypal",
    "opensCashDrawer": false,
    "visible": true
  "id": "07BZ25C9R6H5P",
  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "order": {
    "id": "CCV0B554FSMDW"
  "amount": 4082,
  "cashTendered": null,
  "taxAmount": 103,
  "tipAmount": 0,
  "cashbackAmount": null,
  "employee": {
    "id": "GT1SSENJXTVPY"
  "tender": {
    "id": "8TZDTYDT4EAFT",
    "editable": false,
    "enabled": true,
    "instructions": null,
    "label": "Venmo",
    "labelKey": "com.clover.venmo",
    "opensCashDrawer": false,
    "visible": true

Order Printing API

We introduced a new API that allows you to send print jobs directly to a merchant's order printer.

The POST /v3/merchants/{mId}/print_event endpoint takes an order UUID and prints the order receipt using the merchant's selected receipt options.

See Print orders with the REST API for more information.

July 2021


Hosted Checkout

We've published a new codelab for the Hosted Checkout API. This interactive tutorial shows you how to set up a basic checkout integration for a merchant's website.

Developer Dashboard

View billing transactions

You can now view billing transactions by either charges, refunds, or both together by selecting the relevant tab.


Developer Dashboard: Billing Transactions

May 2021


Upload limit increased to 120 MB

In response to developer feedback, Clover has increased the APK upload limit from 50 MB to 120 MB. See Verify that you follow APK guidelines.


Additional tax support for /v1/charges

In your Ecommerce API POST /v1/charges request, you can now use the new tax_rate_uuid parameter for adding a tax rate UUID in your request. While tax_rate_uuid is the recommended parameter to use, you can also use tax_rates or tax_amount to add taxes to your charges. See Accept payments and tips.

April 2021

Ecommerce API

Confirm customer information with fraud tools

When you create a card token or charge a customer's card, Clover now checks some of the submitted data against the issuer's cardholder information to verify the card is being used legitimately. These checks include the CVC/CVV, billing address first line, and postal code. See Confirm customer information with fraud tools.

Set soft descriptors

With soft descriptors, merchants provide customers with information about the business that processed a charge with the Ecommerce API. These descriptors appear on the customer's card statements and can include the business name, address, and contact information. See Set soft descriptors.

Subsequent payments with saved customer cards

When you save a card on file using /v1/customers, Clover sets the card source token as a multi-pay token for the customer. To make a payment and then subsequent payments with a saved customer card, you can use either the customer id or the multi-pay card token as the source value in your payment request. See Save a card for future transactions.

February 2021

Ecommerce API

Filter Ecommerce API requests by UNIX time

For any Ecommerce API request, the created or modified time in the JSON response is in the Unix time format. You can now filter any Ecommerce GET request by created time in the Unix time format.

For example, to retrieve all charges created after a specified Unix timestamp, send a GET request to /v1/charges?created.gt={unix-time}.